By Staff
November 7, 2016
The Province of Ontario announced the Ontario Senior Achievement Awards that recognize men and women who have made outstanding contributions to their communities through voluntary or professional activities after the age of 65.
There were 20 Ontarians who were recognized – none from Burlington.
Not a healthy sign for a city that is reputed to have the fastest growing senior’s population.

The Seniors table at a Bfast transit meeting. These people know how to mobilize themselves.
A comment from a reader suggests the may be a change in priorities at city hall. Phillip Wooster wrote “I really believe that this mayor and council, including Meed Ward, have made seniors a very low priority. Not only is the Seniors Centre symptomatic of this, but seniors should note how the City Hall elites have put public transit on the back-burner. Most telling is the email I received from the Mayor publicizing the Todarian PR Event on November the 14–all kinds of committees were listed–except……you guessed it–SENIORS.”