Burton reported to be ready to resign from Police Services Board - calls a Special closed meeting of that Baird for the 15th

Newsflash 100By Pepper Parr

January 11th, 2021- 9:45 pm



From a source that has never let us down before we were told that Oakville Mayor Rob Burton has or will be resigning as Chair of the Halton Regional Police Services Board.

In an email from Burton to the Board members they were advised that there will be a Special Meeting of the Board.

Burton said: “In response to concerns regarding Chief Tanner’s recent travel to the U.S., the Halton Police Board will be holding a special meeting on Friday January 15th to obtain legal advice.

“This meeting will be closed to the public, as permitted under the Police Services Act. The Board will deal with the matter at its next public meeting 9.am. January 28th, which will be held by Zoom.”

Chief Tanner was reported to have left Canada and entered the United States with a person who is the president of a nationally known advocacy group that has chapters in Burlington, Oakville and Milton.

Early reports were that Tanner had sought permission from Chair Burton to travel who said that at the time, the first day of the province wide lock down, that he had no objections.

Related news stories:
Chief of Police travels to the United States during lock down.
Chair of Police Services said at the time that he had no objections to the travel.

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4 comments to Burton reported to be ready to resign from Police Services Board – calls a Special closed meeting of that Board for the 15th

  • Rob n

    People are rightfully upset about the double standards.

    The majority of people are adhering to the requests.

    To see the upper most levels of our politicians, police and hospitals carry on as if they are above restrictions is amazing. Two hospital CEOs are out (Niagara and London). The minister of finance is out. More will follow, hopefully of their own volition once they realize how egregious and self centred they are.

    Pepper, keep keeping them honest!

  • Penny Hersh

    Mayor Burton did resign from the Police Services last evening, but is that enough? He will keep his job but Chief Tanner will be forced to resign or be fired.

  • Rob n

    And who is the president of the advocacy group and the name of the group?

    I question if I wanted to continue to donate money to such a group with a leader who disregards government requests in times of crisis.

    The two of them obviously went on vacation, Not to close a real estate deal. Real estate deals can be closed online with digital signatures. Or even an antiquated fax machine.

    The Chief should resign as well. In his position, to even think of leaving the country at this time is ridiculous. Total lack of thoughts for others. Time to step down.

    “Do as I say, not as I do.” Doesn’t work anymore.

  • Tom Battaglia

    It’s a cop out. Pun unintended. Where is the real ramification of the Chief’s action?