Can Burlington do what Milton is setting out to do - rescue the citizens of the city.

By Pepper Parr

April 28th, 2022



If Milton can do it – Burlington certainly can.

The Milton Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Bell as a Community and are putting together what they will bring to an and this once-in-a-lifetime experience we have all been working through.

So many of us have been working remotely and not able to network and gather like we once did.
Milton is setting out to change that – Burlington has the capacity to do that.

Rotary managed to rescue and event despite COVID19 – how can Burlington create an event to rescue its citizensÉ

Rotary found a way to take over the Burlington Centre parking lot for their modified Rib Fest – perhaps the Chamber can do something similar.

The Milton Chamber is calling their event the ‘Welcome Back from Hibernation BBQ’ to network, see new and familiar faces, enjoy local food and drink, all while enjoying some music.

Watching and waiting to see what might come out of the woods in Burlington.


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1 comment to Can Burlington do what Milton is setting out to do – rescue the citizens of the city.

  • Good for them, this was a huge issue when Anne ran for Chair of the Region in 2018 and she vowed to work her buns off to see it done. Thanks to the Milton Chamber and Bell for doing what a lack of winning votes saw her screaming on the side lines there must be a fix for this for those in Halton not just Milton. As the Gazette proclaims it is a huge problem in Burlington too.