By Staff
July 18th, 2018
There are times when the city slogan – Burlington is one of Canada’s best and most livable cities, a place where people, nature and business thrive., makes sense and actually applies to the city of Burlington.
 They packed the Mainway arena to talk about how Burlington could best welcome Syrians to the city.
Back in December of 2015 the Mayor of Burlington called a public meeting public meeting on Syrian refugees to gauge what there was in terms of community support. Many were surprised at the size of the turnout – Mainway Arena was close to packed.
The turnout was impressive. Eleeza at the time a 10 year old, stood to tell the audience that she was raising funds to buys toys for the children who were arriving at the airport. People began putting money in her hands.
Burlington was capable and more than ready to welcome the new comers.
Just over a year ago Rory Nisan arrange for a candle light vigil to be held in Civic Square to recognize the senseless slaughter of six people at a mosque in Quebec city.
The idea took on a life of its own and is now an annual event when different faith groups get together and celebrate what they have.
ONE BURLINGTON FESTIVAL: Building Bridges Between Faiths
The event is to take place in front of the Band shell next to Central Library on August 6 from noon – 4 p.m. In the event of rain, the festival will be moved inside Central Arena.
“I am excited for this Festival and have been meeting with Muslim friends from the mosque, Hindu and Jewish groups and a variety of Christian leaders – and we will be able to learn about different faiths and cultures while sampling many different ethnic foods,” said Rev. Orville James, minister of Wellington Square United Church.
Osob Adus, Burlington Citizen of the Year and well-known community activist, said the festival is a way of knowing and embracing the beauty of all faith traditions and creating bridges between them.
“Mutual understanding and respect are the foundations for building communities across the borders of difference,” said Adus, a Muslim.
Now in its second year, One Burlington Festival was initially held as a response to the Quebec City mosque mass shooting that occurred the evening of January 29, 2017 at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City.
This year, the festival will open with an Interfaith prayer led by five clergy representing different faiths. An Indigenous smudging ceremony will follow.
Throughout the afternoon, along with free food, entertainment from different cultures will be featured. Performers include local singer-song writer Kim Verrall and violinist Sophie Huang; the Burlington Slam Poets who are celebrating their 10th anniversary; First Nations performer Jimmy Dick and his family and dance groups from the Sikh, Persian and Afro-Canadian communities.
Children’s activities and games include compiling a faith passport for which every child will earn an ecologically-friendly prize.
The ecological theme of this year’s festival focuses on building an understanding of the connections between faith and ecology. Everything from Eco-dinnerware to a green clean-up team are embedded in this year’s event.

By Staff
BURLINGTON, ON. May 29, 2011 The Molinaro Group given better than normal terms on development charges. Letter from the developers’ planner to the city treasurer
sets out the details and the rationale used.
February 3, 2010
Ms Joan Ford, Acting Treasurer
City of Burlington.
Dear Joan:
Re: Request for Deferral of Development Charge Payments.
The Molinaro Group – 551 and 569 Maple Avenue, City of Burlington.
Please accept this letter as a request to defer development charge payments for the above project, which is a 186 unit condominium apartment building. We understand that the city has some experience in deferred development charge payments with separate policies for both residential and non-residential projects. With respect to the residential option, we understand the current policy permits deferring development charges for a building over 11 units in size for a period of 180 days on the condition that a Letter of Credit be provided for the full development charge amount.
This request is to modify that policy for this property in two ways. First, it is proposed that the development charges be paid in four equal installments at each of the four phases of developments as follows:
1st installment At time of issuance of Building Permit for building foundation.
2nd installment Six months after the issuance of the building permit for building foundation.
3rd installment Six months after the second installment.
4th installment The earlier of six months from the third installment, occupancy or registration of the project.
In addition, my client is requesting that there be no Letter of Credit provided during this time as it would defeat the intent and offset the benefit of staging the payments of development charges. In addition, it is the preference of my client not to pay any interest at the time installment payments are made. However, if an interest payment is required, they would recommend the interest rate be established at prime.
The rationale for this request is as follows. The sheer size of this project at 186 units creates a significant financial challenge of front ending all of the development charges when it will be approximately three to four years before the income is received by the developer from the time the initial payment is made. In other projects, including plans of subdivision and smaller multiple-unit properties registration ad the issuance of permits can be staged to a smaller, more manageable phases This not only minimizes the amount of payment required, but to allows the developer revenue on periodic basis to offset the cost of subsequent development payments. In this case. Full payment is required for all 186 units in advance of any income stream to the developer.
Secondly, as an infill project which utilizes, for the most part, existing infrastructure, we believe there will be less demand on development charges infrastructure costs for the Municipality than would be the case for greenfield developments.
The design of the project and support of the development by Council were focused in part upon the ability of the project to offer units within an affordable range, as defined by the Region. Any assistance which can be provided to mitigate somewhat the financial burden for this project through the staging of development charge payments would help to maintain the level of affordability provided by the project.
Another key feature of the development is the extent to which conservation initiatives are built into the development to achieve LEEDS accreditation. This reduction in the use of municipal services which is a key component of the LEEDSS accreditation process, will minimize the impact the project will have on municipal services
For the reasons outlined above, we feel the request is reasonable and will not create any significant financial impact on the Municipality. The developer is still committed to paying the full development charges. The staging of the payment of development charges is consistent with options available at other forms of housing.
Thank you for your consideration of this latter.
Fothergill Planning and Development Inc
By Pepper Parr
BURLINTON, ON May 28, 2011 – Burlington is one of a few cities that makes use of Section 37 of the Planning Act. Ottawa, Toronto and Markham use the provision which can be a very useful planning tool. In Burlington we are fortunate to have a planner who wrote the definitive text on the Ontario Municipal Board and a man who has served as a member of that Board. The significance of this is that most matters that go to the OMB are related to planning matters and to have a planner who knows the ins and outs of the OMB as well as the intent of the Board gives Burlington an intellectual advantage.
 The way Section 37 of the Planning Act is implemented just might get a re-working in Burlington if Council members follow up on their comments.
Section 37 of the Planning Act relates to situations where an Official Plan calls for a certain type of development. It could be single detached housing, row housing organized as a condominium or a high rise, inevitably the issue become one of density. How many units can you put in a piece of property ? The municipality’s Official Plan (OP) will set out what the density can be and the zoning on the piece of property will set out what kind of building can be built on the site.
There are occasions where a developer will approach a municipality with a proposal that exceeds what is set out in the OP, but after discussions with the Planning Department, agreement is reached that the proposal is “good planning” and meets both the immediate and long term needs of the city.
We had two instances of just that happening in Burlington very recently and both created significant opposition within their communities. One was a condominium development south of the Queensway and the other was the apartment/condominium development at Brock and Elgin. In both instances the city approved an amendment to the Official Plan to permit the development
Burlington is faced with a provincial requirement that we grow our population. The province tells us that is what we have to do and that is what we do. The provincial Places to Grow legislation requires Burlington to grow its population by 20,000 people over the next 20 years – that’s 1,000 new housing units every year.
Because the city no longer has very much “green space” to build large projects on they have to resort to intensification.
Developers see opportunities to take land that is being under utilized and they begin to assemble properties until they have an area large enough for the plans they have in mind.
In the Queensway area this resulted in a developer purchasing six properties that consisted of half an acre each. These lots were created at the end of WW II and known as Veterans Land Act properties. Once the land was assembled the developer asked for permission to build a 74 unit complex on the property and the local community was up in arms. That development eventually got cut back to 58 units but is still a significant bit of intensification – going from six homes to 58 on the same pieces of land.
In the Brock Elgin area the developer did an assembly and came to the city with a proposal to increase the density permitted in the Official Plan from 7 to 14 storeys. The community was aghast and argued against the development at two public meetings and a third meeting at a Council Committee and finally at a Council meeting. They were beaten back at every meeting.
In this instance the developer made a Section 37 proposal in which the city determines how much the value of the land the development is being built on is going to increase due to the development.
Note that the unit of measure here is the increase in ‘value of the land’ not the revenue and potential profit the developer expects to see. The city gets an appraisal of what the land was worth before the development and what the land will be worth after the development and then asks the developer to contribute half of the increase in value back to the city as community benefits.
In the Brock Elgin development the increase in the value of the land was deemed to be $1 million and the developer agreed to pay for community improvements worth $500,000.
This is seen as a way for a city to share in the gain that a developer earns when asking for and getting an amendment to an Official Plan. Sounds fair and is seen as a sound planning practice.
Where people in Burlington get really wound up is how the community benefits are determined. The Planning department does all that thinking – with not a peep from the community. Ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward thinks this is wrong and fought vigorously to have the community involved in determining what the benefits should be.
She came close to getting her Council colleagues to look at what was being proposed then, to the surprise of just about everyone, they learned that if Council wanted to make any changes to the community benefits the matter had to be sent back to Committee.
Several Councillors believed that the amendment to the Official Plan and the applicable by law could be approved and the specific make up of the community benefits looked at later – wasn’t possible. The two had to be approved at the same time.
Section 37 of the Planning Act is a very sound and accepted planning tool. What Burlington hasn’t done is bring the community in on the process and get their input before deciding what to do.
Councillors Sharman and Taylor have said they want to see the community benefits issue handled much differently. We will be watching.
February 2025
BURLINGTON, ON — For six years, there has been a battle in North Burlington over the Nelson Quarry’s plan to expand. In March, the fight goes before the Ontario Land Tribunal. This situation is unusual because it’s the city spending millions fighting on behalf of about 100 people against a project that could benefit everyone else in Burlington.
 An aerial view of the site that has been quarried for more than 50 years.
The 50-year-old quarry wants to expand onto land that is now a small golf course and unused fields. It has already had sign-off by the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Fisheries and Oceans, the Mississaugas of the Credit, and the Niagara Escarpment Commission and Conservation Halton. Yet, the City of Burlington continues to oppose it, mainly because about 100 local homeowners don’t want it.
This opposition has cost taxpayers millions in legal fees. Instead of thinking about what’s best for the whole community, the city seems focused on protecting a small, privileged group. The expansion wouldn’t just provide important building materials, but it would also lead to the creation of a massive 1,000-acre park once the quarry is done—something Burlington badly needs. It would also bring jobs, tax revenue, and cheaper infrastructure costs by keeping materials local.
However, city officials argue against the expansion and against the consensus of half a dozen agencies, siding with a small group of homeowners who don’t want change in their neighborhood. If the quarry doesn’t expand, Burlington could lose major environmental and economic benefits. Even the natural water systems, which the quarry helps support, could dry up, affecting local streams and fish habitats.
This issue raises a bigger question about how decisions are made. When local governments prioritize the wishes of a small, privileged group over the needs of the majority, is that really fair?
Ironically, in trying to protect a few, the city and region are working against the larger community. This debate over the Nelson Quarry is a reminder that sometimes, efforts to protect a few can come at a big cost to everyone else. It’s time for Council to remember that it was voted in by the majority to work for the majority, not to cater to special interests.
For more than six decades, the Paletta family has been fortunate to be part of the growth and development of Burlington. What began in 1964 as a small family business founded by Pat Paletta and his brothers has slowly evolved into a legacy that has touched many aspects of the community. Burlington has been more than just a place of business—it’s been home to the Paletta family, and their journey has been intertwined with the city’s own progress.
A Humble Beginning and Visionary Growth
 The roots of what has become Alinea
Pat Paletta’s entrepreneurial journey began with a practical decision to acquire land in Burlington to support his growing business. What started as a necessity soon became the foundation for a family enterprise that would help shape the city. Pat’s early recognition of the potential in the land paved the way for future development, and over time, the family’s contributions helped lay the groundwork for Burlington’s growth.
As their business expanded, the Paletta family’s vision shifted from industrial roots to community-centered development, working alongside the city to help bring about the changes that have made Burlington the place it is today.
Alinea: A New Chapter for Burlington
This legacy continues through Alinea Land Corporation, the family’s rebranded real estate development company, established in 2022. Alinea represents a new direction that reflects the values of the Paletta family and their commitment to Burlington’s ongoing growth. The focus of Alinea is not just on building properties, but on creating spaces where people can connect and thrive, keeping the community at the heart of each development.
Through Alinea, the Paletta family remains dedicated to contributing to Burlington’s future, ensuring that new developments are thoughtful, sustainable, and in tune with the needs of the community.
 Michael Palette: Vice president Alinia Land.
“Our family’s journey in Burlington has been a story of growth, partnership, and deep community ties. As we continue this legacy, we remain committed to building a future that honours the past while embracing the potential of tomorrow.” – Michael Paletta Vice President Alinea Land Corporation.
A Commitment to Giving Back
At the heart of the Paletta family’s work is a belief in giving back to the community that has supported them. Through the P & A Giving Fund, they have been able to contribute to various causes that support healthcare, education, culture, and children’s initiatives. From enhancing hospitals, schools, and parks to supporting local programs, their philanthropic efforts are their way of expressing gratitude and ensuring that Burlington’s growth benefits all who call it home.
The impact of their giving can be seen in many areas of the city, strengthening the community and supporting its residents.
Honouring the Past, Building the Future
While Alinea marks a new chapter, the Paletta family’s commitment to honouring their roots remains strong. The land that once sustained Pat’s meat business has evolved into the foundation for Burlington’s continued growth. Each project reflects the family’s values of integrity, hard work, and a long-term commitment to the community.
By blending contemporary development with respect for Burlington’s history, the Paletta family continues to support the city’s growth in a way that reflects the same principles that have guided them from the start.
A Legacy of Growth and Gratitude
Over the past 60 years, the Paletta family has been grateful to play a role in Burlington’s development, supporting its growth and contributing to its sense of community through both business and philanthropy. Today, through Alinea, they remain committed to the continued growth of the city, focusing on sustainable, community-driven development.
 Paul Paletta: President Alinea Land
“We are deeply grateful to call Burlington home. This city has provided us with opportunities, partnerships, and a thriving community, and it has been our privilege to give back in return. Thank you, Burlington, for being part of our journey—what has been good for us has truly been good for all of us.” – Paul Paletta, Chief Executive Officer & President.
As Burlington continues to grow and evolve, the Paletta family’s contributions will remain a part of the city’s history, reflecting their ongoing commitment to building a community that thrives for generations to come.