Central high school parents roll out an impressive research list.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

October 25, 2016



There is a team of four people, Dania Thurman, Michael Kukhta, Lynn Crosby and David Sykes, who rely heavily on parents from Central High School that are putting together the argument for keeping Central High open.


At a Central high school parents meting they identified some of the issues that needed to be researched.

At their most recent strategy – planning meeting, they wrote out a list of topics they need to research to make their case for keeping the high school open.

The topics have been assigned to different attendees at the meeting who volunteered to look at them. The leadership team believes there are many more “out there” who can also help out with the research and who might have additional topics that need to be researched.

Set out below are the topics they have identified. They expect that as the research work progresses some will naturally merge with others. If anyone has any information, articles or research on one of these topics (or any other) to share with the group as a whole, send it along to them at: info@centralstrong.ca  If you would like to add your name to one of the topics and be connected with the person doing it please email them so introductions can be made.

What will they do with this research? They want to ensure that their trustees on the PAR Committee have it, so they can present it and use it at the committee meetings and use it in letters to the committee during the public input sessions.

People can use any of this research to present at the 5-minute “public delegation” sessions to the trustees that are scheduled for April 18, 2017 and any other meetings where delegations are allowed. Their objective is to convince trustees  that closing Central is not the best option.

Trustees - fill board +

The trustees will make the final decision next May. Parents are going to have to work with their trustees and convince them of the merits of the arguments they put forward.

“It is important  that  Trustees receive letters  on any of these topics or other factors you feel will make an impact. Simply explaining your own personal thoughts on why Central is so important to you and your family is also very important, ” suggested the team leaders.

The Program Accommodation Review   (PAR) process begins officially on December 1 with an orientation session that will take place in each high school.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016 Robert Bateman HS 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Tuesday, November 1, 2016 Nelson HS 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Thursday, November 3, 2016 Aldershot HS 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Thursday, November 3, 2016 Burlington Central HS 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Monday, November 14, 2016 Lester B. Pearson HS 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Monday, November 14, 2016 M.M. Robinson HS 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Dr. Frank J. Hayden SS 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

These is just orientation sessions – there will be no Q&A.   Just the facts as the HDSB sees it all.

The first public meeting is on December 8.

The PAR Committee (with two representatives) will work through January, February and March.

A second public meeting will be held on March 2.

The Director will then prepare a report with all of the compiled feedback.

April 18 will be another public delegation night.

The BCHS parent group wants to see a big turnout of  supporters at all of the public sessions. The final report will be presented to the Board of Trustees on May 3 and they will vote on it on May 17.

The BCHS goal is to show the Board why their recommended option is the wrong one.

Here are the topics the BCHS parents are going to research.  The list may expand and some of the topics may merge.


Some of the issues to be looked into that came out of a BCHS parent meeting.

– Accessibility issues – Cheryl
– Partnerships – Shawna
– School Profiles (SIPs) – Maureen – this is a vital one and Maureen will likely need group input with this
– Transportation/bussing – Kevin
– Benefits of small schools – Heather
– City Strategic plan – Marianne
– Urban Growth Centre – Marianne
– Data collection/missing data/incorrect data – Mike Matich
– History of BCHS – Deborah and Lynn
– Market Share of Students – Deborah and Lynn
– Impact on 7/8 Students – Theresa and Dania
– Number of Seats Available vs. used – data – Stacey
– Socioeconomic Impact – Dania and Paul
– Alternate Options – Emil
– Fundraising/Alumni Support (compared to other schools) – Theresa and Laura
– The Process – Josie, Allison
– Appeal Process – Mike, Allison
– Ministry Funding Formula – Josie, Lynn and Deborah
– Special Programs at BCHS – Courtney and Karen
– Projected Numbers/Data – Andrew
– Costs/Capital – Phil and Todd
– Challenging Board Assumptions – Josie (other research on other topics will feed into this)

Other topics that should be considered as recommended by  Terry Ruf and others include:

– Catholic Board PAR/LTAP interaction
– Strengths of Grade 7-12 schools
– Advantages of unified cohorts coming from feeder schools 

There were 19 options identified.  The Board staff chose to go forward with Option 19 however the PARC is free to use any other option or a mix of several options.  The options were possibilities as the board staff saw things.

Option 13 makes a statement about unified cohorts, acknowledging this advantage, yet Option 19 will see split cohorts coming out of Central Public and Tom Thompson (depending what happens to the 7/8) as well as FI students from Pineland


A Tim Hortons is considered part of a “complete community” Should the high school actually close – the revenue stream at this Tim Hortons is going to take a big hit.

– Community School culture – Terry Ruf sees this in Central but is not sure all the high schools has what Central has.  Central is suffering from some tunnel vision on this one.  Pearson has a culture every bit as rich as Central.

– Central does have a unique configuration  its Jk to graduation is unique.  Does it limit the horizons of a student who does every day of their public school education in one location?

There is a lot of work to be done – and the parents at Central are well into it.

pearson-nusery-signThe parents at Pearson have begun their work – they do have some catching up to do and they do have a very unique situation to deal with: – The Co-op nursery that has been part of that school for more than 40 years which the Gazette will report on.


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1 comment to Central high school parents roll out an impressive research list.

  • Hayden potvin

    I went to central an amazing school do not take it down its a big part of down town burlingtion an always will be