Changes being made to Civic Square - there will be a much more vigorous discussion in the not to distant future.

News 100 redBy Staff

December 6th, 2018



The city is making some upgrades to Civic Square, the space to the south of city hall.

The budget for this project is $600,000.

Many of the improvements planned for the space are required to improve things like accessibility, safety and convenience.

Civic Square Dec 2018

How much longer will this view last.

The city held an on-line survey that was poorly promoted and the results of that survey have yet to be made public.

With the plans either approved or being appealed to the Land Planning Appeal Tribunal there could be two 24 storey towers across the street from city hall five years from now.

Expect to see a more extensive and vigorous public debate on what happens to Civic Square.

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2 comments to Changes being made to Civic Square – there will be a much more vigorous discussion in the not to distant future.

  • Gary Scobie

    The view in the picture from Civic Square will never be the same again. We will be stuck with twin or near twin towers across the road, dominating the pedestrian experience and the sky.

    These monuments to the past Council’s misdeeds will be there forever. Some of us will go to LPAT and try and influence the end result for 409 Brant Street, but 421 Brant Street is a done deal at 23 storeys.

    This so-called 20-plus storey gateway to City Hall coined by developers will only mock and diminish our 8 storey iconic City Hall and Civic Square. Thank goodness the election arrived in time to put a halt to this kind of over-development going forward.

  • Steve D

    Hmmm? Looks like a lot of tiny condos could be jammed in there.