City closes all its parks - both city and Conservation Authority watching closely.

Newsflash 100By Staff

May 5th, 2017



The city has closed all the parks.

City of Burlington closes parks, urges caution during heavy rainfall

All Burlington parks with watercourses and waterfront trails are closed as a precautionary measure. The closures include Lowville Park, Hidden Valley Park and the Beachway. These park closures are in addition to the earlier city-wide closure of sports fields.

Residents are advised to:

• Stay away from watercourses, shorelines and structures such as bridges, culverts and dams. All watercourses and shoreline areas should be considered dangerous during this time. High water levels, fast flowing water and slippery conditions along stream banks and shorelines make these locations extremely dangerous. Please alert children in your care of these imminent dangers
• Keep all debris clear from catch basins in front of your house, as well as rear-lot catch basins. If assistance is needed to clear debris, please call Roads and Park Maintenance at 905-333-6166
• Check to ensure sump pumps and backwater valves are functioning properly
• Follow the city’s Twitter page @cityburlington for up-to-date information.

City staff will be continuously monitoring road and drainage conditions over the weekend.

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