City hall has gotten stingier about what it wants the media to know

By Pepper Parr

July 26th, 2021



Tom Muir was bothered about the run around Spectator columnist Joan Little was getting from the city.

“Her narrative on a problem she had in getting information through appropriate senior planning channels is one I am familiar with” said Muir.

Little had said she “… got a rude awakening about how some things are done today in Burlington. I had questions about a city report on the Regional Official plan, so e-mailed a senior planning person to check that my understanding was accurate. The reply came from a name I didn’t recognize. Too late I realized it had been filtered through the communications department – read PR people!”

Muir said: “I sympathize with this reaction as I recently had a similar experience writing a comment to City and the Mayor about the Millcroft development proposal and the Mayor justifying not making a decision and therefore allowing the application go the LPAT (OLT). I pointed out that the Mayor is on the record from taking office as saying she would never approve of such a non-decision ever again.

“But instead of a response from the Mayor, or a senior planning official, I got the same communications department, Mayor, PR response and they didn’t really know what they were talking about except excuses. I never got answers to my concerns and the Mayor remained silent my question on her pledge to never doing non-decision to LPAT again.

“What I also see, that I don’t like, is the communications PR folks put in charge of answering important questions of City business that are not their purview or competency. What I got from them was just usual PR crap, that didn’t address my questions or concerns, and my second reply on this was ignored.

“Typical PR non-response to the central issue.”

Part 1 of a series.

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1 comment to City hall has gotten stingier about what it wants the media to know

  • Nobody is answering questions Tom and won’t be until after Oct 2022. Lets hope the media other than the Gazette who refuse to ask Meed Ward questions we need answers to on the CHCH Wed interview starts asking relevant questions rather than what occurs in order to allow the uninformed public to make informed election decisions.