By Staff
December 26th, 2017
At 4:10 pm this afternoon the city said:
Road plowing is complete.
Primary, secondary and local sidewalks are complete.
Local roads have been sanded.
Pretty good!
The Gazette hasn’t heard a single complaint.

The Roads people were on top of the snow conditions from the very beginning; providing constant update. Done they’ve said.
The QEW is surprisingly quiet for the late afternoon of a holiday.

Really ? The Roads are plowed and done. ??!! Try driving along Medland Drive, off of Millcroft Park drive. It was probably plowed once, since our snow fell. And if it was done at 2am, the plow apparently was barely touching ground, as it’s still a mess, and the sides of the curbs are unusable.
Good luck to those who need to leave the house or street in a hurry, or have an emergency. Well at least now the drivers that speed during the Summer months have come to a crawl. !