City solicitor gives council an update on the Air Park legal matter in a closed session

airpark 100x100By Staff

November 8th, 2106



Something is up with the Air Park and its legal battle with the city.

City Council went into a 22 minute closed session for an update from city solicitor Nancy Shea Nicol on what was described as an Air Park matter.

The Air Park has filed a site plan with the city’s planning department but that plan has not come before council yet.

Vince Rossi, president of the Burlington Executive Air PArk and beleived to be the sole shareholder of the private company, met with north Burlington residents. He took all the comments made "under advisement"..

Vince Rossi, president of the Burlington Executive Air Park and believed to be the sole shareholder of the private company.

The Air Park is in a very delicate situation. They have to file a site plan and the city gets to approve that plan. The city is believed to want quite a bit of the land fill that was dumped on the property removed – that would prove to be very expensive for the Air Park

The Air Park was sued by the city for not filing a site plan – they lost that court case but have appealed the decision.

The appeal is to be heard in March of 2017

Somehow the owners of the Burlington Executive Airpark convinced everyone that his plans came under federal jurisdiction and that the city had no say in what they chose to do. This location was to be the site of a helicopter operation. The owner of the adjacent property is standing on her property line.

This is not the view the Appleby Line property owner had when she bought the property. She doesn’t believe the Air Park had the right to dump all that landfill next to her property line.

While all this legal arm wrestling takes place there is a property owner on Appleby Line who has to look at piles of landfill in excess of 30 feet high on either side of her property.

No one at city hall is doing anything for this taxpayer.

This is an ongoing saga not only for the residents who live in the rural part of Burlington but for two residents who were sued for libel by the Air Park. The Burlington Gazette was also sued – but that court case doesn’t appear to be going anywhere.

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1 comment to City solicitor gives council an update on the Air Park legal matter in a closed session

  • C Jester

    No surprises here. The saga just keeps going. If I was an owner in such a bind over an asset, I might just be tempted to skip town and drop the asset on the city when a final, final verdict came crashing down.