Classical and electronic to come together at the RBG Rock Garden July 20th.

eventspink 100x100By Staff

July 16, 2017



A string quartet and an electronic band playing outdoors on a sultry summer night.

Illitry - by Martin Bazyl

Illitry will perform with the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra at the Rock Garden. Photograph by Martin Bazyl

It’s part of what summer is supposed to be and on July 20th at 7:00 pm the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra and the electronic band Illitry will perform together at the RBG Rock Garden.

Rock Garden sign

One of the gems Burlington shares with Hamilton.

They will be performing work by both classical and contemporary composers.

Catch a mini guided tour of the Rock Garden during intermission. Admission to the Gardens is included with the price of ticket.

Cash bar and concession items will be available for purchase prior to the concert and during the intermission.

Rock Garden AFTERDARK: Stick around following the show to have a drink and enjoy the tranquility of our famous garden, meet the musicians and listen to their favourite tunes.

Garden opens at 6pm to those who have purchased tickets. Seating is first come first served.

Tickets available at:  CLICK HERE

Ticket prices:

Adult (13 years and older) $30.00
Senior*** / Student** $21.00
Child (4-12 years old) $15.00
Toddler (1-3 years old) Free
Babes in Arms (0-12 months) Free

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