Construction crews on air park site take a pass on being filmed; missed there 15 minutes of fame

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

May 30, 2014


While the CBC News crew was doing its interview on the Sheldon property on Appleby Line, construction equipment and work crews along with what were believed to be crew managers were seen. 

Once it became evident to them that camera crews were on the property filming they retreated but the equipment remained on the site

There is a very solid community in north Burlington that watches what goes on like a bunch of hawks.  Their objective is to document and photograph as much as they can; including run off from the air park site where tonne upon tonne of partially inspected fill was dumped without the required sit plan alteration permit.

A Superior Court judge has ruled that the air park must comply with municipal bylaws.  Burlington Air Park Inc., has appealed that decision.  The appeal will be heard in Toronto June 11, 2014

Sheldon interview scene 1

Appleby Line property owner does a CBC News interview with view of the landfill dumped without a site alteration permit.

Sheldon interview scene 2

Construction crews skulk away in the background. They appeared not to be available for an interview.

Sheldon interview scene 3

Construction crews continue their work just out of site of news camera crews.

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2 comments to Construction crews on air park site take a pass on being filmed; missed there 15 minutes of fame

  • Andrew Forber

    See, that’s the kind of thing I’m talking about. A few people, just ordinary Joes and Janes, trying to do a job as contracted and collect a paycheck, but when they’re asked to play bit parts in someone else’s drama they sensibly retire. But to you, that’s “skulking” indicative of… what? Ulterior motives? Dishonesty? What are you accusing them of exactly?

    Journalism fosters understanding by presenting facts and contrasting opinions.

    The Burlington Gazette, by contrast, has a mission of creating division, disrespect, and contempt for anyone who its buddies think is not on their side, regardless of whether they have earned it or not. And as a bonus, it appears under the customary misspelled headline.


  • Mr.Bean

    It would be nice to have a drone fly over the airpark construction and get some good video of what is happening over that fence. I don’t have one but maybe someone reading this does and can give it a try?