November 30th, 2019
The City has begun the installation of the new floating wave break at the LaSalle Park Community Marina. The new wave break will provide better protection for the boats, docks and public who use the marina. The current wave break is at its structural end of life and does not provide adequate protection against larger waves from storms.

The sailors had to learn to share the space with the swans and public had to learn to stop feeding the swans.

The belief (hope?) is that the new wave break will prevent the damage boat owners have experienced in the past.
Construction will begin Dec. 2, 2019. During the installation, the marina parking lot will be used for housing the construction equipment and materials. Parking at the marina will be limited. To ensure public safety, when the wave breaks and other materials are delivered to the area, there will be no public access to the parking lot during delivery. Visitors are advised to use the parking in the upper lots at LaSalle Park; the marina area is accessible from the park.
The Marina has 219 docking spaces and is protected by a floating wave break. The Burlington Sailing and Boating Club and the Able Sail program offer sailing programs at the Marina. In addition, the City has a public boat launch at the Marina that is protected by the floating wave break.
The decision to install a new wave break was contentious; the debate ranged back and forth for a number of years. The issue was whether or not to build a permanent wave break that was expensive and thought to intrude on the habitat of the Trumpeter Swans who had taken up residence in the park. The city opted for a wave break that is expected to last twenty years.
City Council decided to put up the needed funds and drew down dollars from the Hydro Reserve fund to pay for the $4 million cost.
In the process the President of the LPMA, John Birch, lost his job.

Will this affect the birds who live there?
It will certainly impact the birders who go to see them. I wonder how those of us with mobility issues are supposed to visit the area????