Council does not approve every development that gets proposed.

News 100 blueBy Staff

September 22, 2020



Wrong building, wrong place and miles outside the Official Plan and zoning for the property.

The development was to be located on the west side of Guelph line just south of New Street.

The Staff recommendation was to refuse the application for official plan and zoning by-law amendments submitted by Weston Consulting, on behalf of Valour Capital Inc. for the development of a 13-storey residential building on the property located at 420 Guelph Line.


Council debated this one for more than an hour and urged the developer to do a makeover and perhaps work with an abutting property owner.

The immediate area already has several development applications in the works – five years from now you will probably not recognize the area.

Guelph Line 420

The developer was asking for too much and the neighbours didn’t like it.

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