Crime Stoppers celebrates 30 years of operation - helping to make Halton one of the safest communities in Canada.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

January 13th, 2018



Volunteers, local media outlets and various businesses that help fund Crime Stoppers of Halton will be recognized at an open house to mark January 2018 as Crime Stoppers Month.

This year is also of special significance since Crime Stoppers of Halton is celebrating 30 years of success.

“Crime Stoppers of Halton has earned the respect of residents in the region through the efforts of the program to help Halton Regional Police solve crime and keep our neighborhoods safe and secure,” said Cal Millar, chair of Crime Stoppers of Halton.

“However, this is not something we could do alone. We have had the help of numerous volunteers, an extremely supportive media and the generous assistance of area businesses and organizations who have made donations to allow Crime Stoppers to operate in the region for three decades,” Millar said.

“The support of everyone has been nothing short of amazing.”

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FileBank, a paper shredding operation, has been a consistent supporter of Crime Stoppers in the Region.

Like other Crime Stoppers programs across Canada (and many of the 1,700 units in 32 countries worldwide), Crime Stoppers of Halton has observed Crime Stoppers Month which was first proclaimed in 1986 at the annual Crime Stoppers International conference in Edmonton, Alberta. Crime Stoppers Month gives the opportunity to recognize those who have played a key role in assisting the crime solving program.

This year Crime Stoppers of Halton has added to the theme – See something? Hear something? Say something? – which it adopted in January 2016 from the popular Homeland Security slogan in the United States. However, they have changed – Say something to – Know something? – and have included a call to action by adding – Contact Crime Stoppers – to the message.

The theme is designed to encourage people to contact Crime Stoppers by calling, texting or through a web tip if they become aware of any information that will assist police to solve or stop crime.

Jodi Thomson Crime Stoppers

Detective Constable Jodi Thomson is the Halton Police liaison officer with Crime Stoppers.

Through the years, anonymous callers to Halton’s program have provided tips that have led to the solving of homicides, break-ins, assaults, sexual attacks, robberies, frauds and numerous other crimes in Burlington, Milton, Oakville and Halton Hills.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is among a number of world leaders and political figures who have signed proclamations or sent letters encouraging people to support Crime Stoppers.

“The many events being held across the country this month offer a wonderful opportunity to bring awareness to the Crime Stoppers program, which encourages Canadians to report suspicious or criminal activity anonymously,” the Prime Minister’s letter states. “I am certain that participants will leave with a better understanding of the challenges facing law enforcement agencies, and will appreciate receiving information on how they can help assure safety in their communities.”

An Open House and Theme Launch, that will be hosted between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. by Crime Stoppers of Halton on January 22 at the Halton Regional Centre, will include remarks from Deputy Police Chief Carol Crowe; Ingrid Hann, a member of the Halton Police Services Board, Jan Westcott, vice-chair of Halton Crime Stoppers and Detective Constable Jodi Richmond, police coordinator of Crime Stoppers of Halton.

There will also be a cheque presentation by Rocco Neglia, a vice-president at Economical Insurance which has contributed $100,000 over the years to Crime Stoppers of Halton and an estimated $500,000 to various Crime Stoppers programs across Canada to promote the crime solving program and create awareness of crime concerns to high school students.

It’s also noteworthy that Economical Insurance is recognized as the Youth Initiatives Sponsor at Crime Stoppers of Halton.

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Burlington banks worked with Crime Stoppers and the Regional police to alert the public about the threat of Identity Theft

John Sawyer, president of the Oakville Chamber of Commerce, will also speak at the Open House event to outline the value of Crime Stoppers to the business community and how the program can work together with company owners to combat crimes that impact firms large and small.

The four Chamber of Commerce groups in Halton were instrumental in bringing Crime Stoppers to the region in 1988 after programs were established in a number of other Ontario communities, including Hamilton and Toronto.

Detective Constable Richmond said although Halton Region is considered one of the safest areas in Canada, crime can still occur and anyone can be a victim.

comment black“Whenever there is a crime, it is important to have Crime Stoppers taking calls from anonymous tipsters to ensure cases are solved,” she said. “It’s also vital to have the media working closely with Crime Stoppers to alert the public whenever investigators need help to solve a crime.”

Richmond said Crime Stoppers is a true partnership operating with the public, the media and the police to ensure cases are solved.

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