Day care workers to get an additional $1 an hour - more next year.

News 100 blueBy Staff

January 21, 2015


Premier Kathleen Wynne announced today that the Ontario government is increasing wages for early childhood educators and front-line child care professionals in licensed child care settings.

Starting this month, Ontario is implementing a wage increase of $1 per hour for eligible child care workers in the licensed child care sector. Another wage increase is set for next year.

Day care - kids at table

The people who take care of the best future resource we have – get slightly more than a livable wage. Go figure.

The increase will help close the wage gap between registered early childhood educators working in full-day kindergarten programs and child care professionals in licensed child care settings. Ontario’s investment to increase wages also supports efforts to recruit and retain highly qualified and talented educators, and supports parents in accessing safe and reliable care for their children.

It’s a start – now if the province would look seriously at a plan similar to the one in Quebec where child care is affordable – there will be more job opportunities for child care workers as well.

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