Easter is about more than chocolate and painted eggs - Palm Sunday ahead of us.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

April 4TH, 2020


Easter isn’t about coloured eggs and the Easter Bunny.

Starts with Palm Sunday, then Good Friday, then Easter Sunday.

This Sunday we remember when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and the crowds waved branches and laid down coats and shouted “Hosanna!”

palm sunday kids

Children in churches around the world will take part in a Palm Sunday procession.

In many churches there is a procession with the children walking into the Sanctuary waving palm tree leaves and singing hymns.

Covid-19 has put a serious crimp on church attendance. My church, Hamilton Mennonite, sent out a note saying they “need help to do a different kind of Palm Sunday processional, and anyone of any age can participate! Here are the steps:

Palm Sunday1) Print the attached palm branch colouring page (as many as your household needs)
2) Colour (or otherwise decorate) it
3) Take a Picture of your artwork (horizontal is best). Include you holding it, if you want, or add your name to it.
4) Email it here or to Alissa at hmcpastor@cogeco.net by Friday night (or 1st thing Saturday morning if you must!)

Watch for the Photo Processional this Sunday morning in worship!

I’ll go on line to see how my Pastor handles the procession.

Think about what that procession was all about; the trial that took place, the decision to crucify a man named Jesus – that part is all fact – well documented.

The balance of the story, the Risen Lord – on the third day he rose – is pure faith – you either believe it or you don’t.

Much of our core social philosophy and fundamental social beliefs comes out of a Christian perspective. We now have many who bring a Muslim perspective to the way lives are lived.”

With parents struggling to keep their children active and at least a little entertained painting hard boiled eggs seems like a good idea and the hunt for the treats that are part of the secular Easter will keep the kids happy for a couple of hours.

You might give some thought to telling them what the season is really all about.

It isn’t the Easter Bunny is it?

On Sunday 9:45 – Join live here:

Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.


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1 comment to Easter is about more than chocolate and painted eggs – Palm Sunday ahead of us.

  • Don Fletcher

    I acknowledge your courage, Pepper, for tabling this issue.
    As the Apostle Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15, if Christ was not raised, our Christian faith is useless and we are to be pitied. But, Jesus appeared in his resurrected body after his death to Peter, then to his disciples, then to a crowd of 500, then to James (his brother) and last to Paul, all with transformative results, which attests to the fact that He was raised. A Christians’ faith is anything but blind. Quite the contrary.