ECoB's 3D model of part of the down core made it into the web cast of council Standing Committee.

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

April 25th, 2018



They were determined to make it a bigger part of the public record – they just had to find a way to do it.

A delegation was being given by the son of Lesley Imber, a family that lived in the downtown core west of Brant.

Remy Imber was one of two boys who had constructed a 3D model of the downtown core out of Lego. It was part of an ECoB initiative to give the public some idea as to what the city around city hall would look like once several of the high rise towers were completed and occupied.

Remy was giving the delegation, which he did very well. Part of his delegation was on the belief that the city would not create a 3D model that would show what the city core would look like. At that time city manager James Ridge said that he didn’t have the staff, the financial resources or the data to create a model of any kind. It wasn’t something Ridge wanted to do but he did say that if he were able to have a model created it would be sometime in 2019 – late 2019.

That wasn’t going to deter the ECoB people – somewhere along the way they came up with the idea of making a 3D model out of Lego – the idea may well have come from the boys. The struck me as the type that had creative nimble minds.

When Remy had completed the delegation ward 2 Councillor Meed Ward made mention of the 3D model and asked where it was – “out in the hallway” replied young Remy.

Downtown model

Remy Imber during his delegation along with his 3D model of the downtown core.

Bring it in suggested Meed Ward. That wasn’t something chair Craven wanted to do but Kelly Childs, part owner of Kelly’s Bakeshop, had used a copy of Money Magazine to illustrate how important her Bakeshop was to the image of the city in her delegation. There was a two page feature in the magazine which she had on hand to show everyone.

If Kelly could use a visual prop then Remy could certainly do the same thing.

Within minutes it was being carried into the Council Chamber and set out for the Council members to see and get included in the web cast of the meeting.

Both sides of the downtown core debate were getting in every debating point they could.

Politics had become theatre – which of course it always has been.

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4 comments to ECoB’s 3D model of part of the down core made it into the web cast of council Standing Committee.

  • Perry Bowker

    A valuable public service, but regrettably useless. The Council and staff have had their hearing aids turned off for months now, just hoping people will just shut up and go away (except, apparently, an open channel to any developer who happens by). It still counts as community engagement, I guess.

  • Joseph Gaetan

    Very Nice Remy, we need more of you in the community. The model was accurate in detail and scale and provided a valuable public service.

  • George

    And the final score is:

    The “Boys” 100% and Burlington City Manager 0%.

  • Perry Bowker

    Perhaps Councillor Craven is starting to realize that his fingerprints are all over this planning fiasco and people are noticing. Other enablers seem to be getting nervous too.