By Staff
November 6th, 2020
Local entertainment producer Robert Missen has teamed up with Trevor Copp and Valerie Tryon to put on a new multidisciplinary family attraction at Port Nelson United Church on November 21st.
Mirth & Music is a one-hour celebration of music, poetry and mime featuring Trevor Copp, Burlington’s award-winning theatre and mime performer, playwright and producer, and the world-renowned concert pianist Valerie Tryon. The program will include a new version of French composer Camille Saint-Saens’ delightful classic, Carnival of the Animals. Trevor will impersonate the various animals that Saint-Saens’ has set to music, many of them very amusing.
This work has been staged by Robin Patterson, a Founding Member of Theatre Beyond Words, the acclaimed mime company which resided in Niagara on the Lake for many years. Robert Missen, a long-time Burlington resident and producer of the concert, will narrate the new verses that Trevor has created to introduce the various segments.
This work will be followed by a selection of classical piano works played by Miss Tryon, including music by Chopin, Ravel, Mozart and Bach. Hamilton-based Valerie Tryon has had a major international career as a concert pianist and chamber music player. She has performed frequently with both the Hamilton Philharmonic and Boris Brott Academy Orchestra, just to mention a couple of local presenters.
Mirth & Music will take place in the Sanctuary at Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Drive at Spruce Avenue, at 7 pm on Saturday November 21, 2020. Tickets, which are limited to forty patrons, are free and are available through Robert Missen at 905-632-6047 or by writing to
This event is made possible through a generous grant from the City of Burlington through its Community Support Fund, a special initiative to support local community and cultural organizations during the pandemic.