Family entertainment at Port Nelson United - November 21st - free admission

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

November 6th, 2020


Local entertainment producer Robert Missen has teamed up with   Trevor Copp and  Valerie Tryon to put on a new multidisciplinary family attraction at Port Nelson United Church on November 21st.

Trevor Copp

Trevor Copp miming to Saint-Saens’ delightful classic, Carnival of the Animals is not to be missed

Mirth & Music is a one-hour celebration of music, poetry and mime featuring Trevor Copp, Burlington’s award-winning theatre and mime performer, playwright and producer, and the world-renowned concert pianist Valerie Tryon. The program will include a new version of French composer Camille Saint-Saens’ delightful classic, Carnival of the Animals. Trevor will impersonate the various animals that Saint-Saens’ has set to music, many of them very amusing.

This work has been staged by Robin Patterson, a Founding Member of Theatre Beyond Words, the acclaimed mime company which resided in Niagara on the Lake for many years. Robert Missen, a long-time Burlington resident and producer of the concert, will narrate the new verses that Trevor has created to introduce the various segments.

Valerie Tryon

Valerie Tryon will be at the keyboard while Copp animates.

This work will be followed by a selection of classical piano works played by Miss Tryon, including music by Chopin, Ravel, Mozart and Bach. Hamilton-based Valerie Tryon has had a major international career as a concert pianist and chamber music player. She has performed frequently with both the Hamilton Philharmonic and Boris Brott Academy Orchestra, just to mention a couple of local presenters.

Mirth & Music will take place in the Sanctuary at Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Drive at Spruce Avenue, at 7 pm on Saturday November 21, 2020. Tickets, which are limited to forty patrons, are free and are available through Robert Missen at 905-632-6047 or by writing to

This event is made possible through a generous grant from the City of Burlington through its Community Support Fund, a special initiative to support local community and cultural organizations during the pandemic.

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