Federal government prepared to hand out $400 million to the municipal sector for networks of pathways, bike lanes, trails and pedestrian bridges

News 100 redBy Staff

March 12th, 2021



That $400 million the federal government is handing out over a five year period  – was given to every municipality in the country.

Each of those now has to put together their proposals and basically compete for the dollars.

It’s a good move – getting people outside never hurts.

The media release explained it this way:

Mountsberg - winter trails

Given the opportunity the people of Burlington get out every chance they get.

Today, the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, and Parliamentary Secretary Andy Fillmore announced $400 million over five years to help build new and expanded networks of pathways, bike lanes, trails and pedestrian bridges, as well as support for repairs and planning studies. This is the first federal fund dedicated to building active transportation through Canada – powered by people – and part of the Government of Canada’s plan to create one million jobs, fight climate change, and build a more sustainable and resilient economy.

The new $400-million fund is part of an eight-year, $14.9-billion public transit investment outlined by Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister McKenna on February 10, 2021. It will support communities as they build vibrant neighborhoods where people can safely live, work and play. The fund will also help Canadians living in rural communities and places without active transportation options to unlock the potential in their communities.

This is the rural Burlington residents want to keep - walking trails and quiet countryside.

Walking trails and quiet countryside.

In concert with this new fund, Minister McKenna and Parliamentary Secretary Fillmore also launched stakeholder engagement for Canada’s first Active Transportation Strategy. The strategy will be informed by input from the public and key stakeholders including provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous communities and not-for-profit organizations and businesses and will help the federal government make smarter investment decisions to:

• Support the active transportation networks of the future;
• Promote healthier, walkable communities that are environmentally sustainable and affordable; and
• Support better data collection to ensure measurable outcomes.

Watch carefully for how you community responds to this opportunity.  Burlington is currently working on a Cycling Master Plan that is going to need to need millions to be completed – this fund appears to be tailor made for the Transportation people.

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2 comments to Federal government prepared to hand out $400 million to the municipal sector for networks of pathways, bike lanes, trails and pedestrian bridges

  • Susan Corrigan

    This would be awesome. While at school in Ottawa l rendered first aid on the bike paths in the Gatineau hills and around the capital. We need more trails to safely navigate our city as the drivers have no patience with cyclists. Also during busy summer months there should be designated path patrollers to make sure everyone behaves. To those who insist on riding their bikes on the city sidewalks just stop,seniors have enough difficulty dodging the uneven pavement. They call then sidewalks for a reason. They are for walking!!!!!!!

  • Penny Hersh

    When a government indicates that money will be given out over a 5 year period, this tends not to happen.

    Years ago I heard Paul Martin speak in Burlington. He told the audience that chances are anything that any funding that is given over a 1-2 yr. period never takes place.

    The question to ask is will Doug Ford’s Conservative Government be in office after 2022? There goes the 5 year span for this funding.

    This coming from someone who votes Conservative.