By Vince Fiorito
October 2, 2021
Regarding the “choice” between the environment versus the economy Vince Fiorito explains that this is a false dichotomy. We can also have both or neither.
Another way to describe the “environment” is the “global life support system”.
Would an astronaut on the International Space Station (ISS) be forced to choose between his job and the ISS’s life support system?
Would we even give an astronaut a task that would make the ISS uninhabitable?
If the life support system fails on the ISS, the repercussions would be immediate. Any task that would adversely affect the ISS’s life support system would not likely be attempted. That’s because humans react to immediate problems pretty well.
What we aren’t that good at, is reacting to and managing long term problems, like climate change, the biodiversity crisis, environmental toxification and potable water shortages. These human created problems impact the “global life support system” and must be solved immediately and simultaneously.
Unfortunately, most of the environmental protest industry has focused on climate change; neglecting, for the most part the others.
These groups have held protests during elections that interfere with political environmentalist efforts to identify and get out the environmental vote.
Effectively the environmental protest industry has increasingly become an obstacle to positive progressive political change. Since these groups must protest to recruit volunteers, fundraise and grow their movements, their relationship with status quo governments they help greenwash during elections and then protest afterwards, is mutually beneficial. Most environmental groups seem uninterested in helping to elect governments that solve environmental problems. Without status quo governments that increase our economic dependence on converting fossil carbon into GHG emissions, who would they protest? How would they grow their movements?
Many of them are dependent on the status quo governments for grants and other funding. Why would these organizations bite the hands that feed them?
Another part of the problem is that during an election, political opportunists will say anything to win the environmental vote including nonsense like “balancing the environment with the economy” as if improving the economy always comes at the expense of creating environmental problems… or solving environmental problems always comes with an economic cost. The truth is that solving environmental problems would create economic growth and new jobs.
The cost of solar has now dropped to the point where it is cheaper than all other energy sources. Monthly payments on a loan to install a solar power system to go off grid would be cheaper for most homes and businesses, than their current monthly electricity bill. After the upgrade is paid off, the cost of electricity would be near zero, whereas the monthly electricity bill would continue to increase.
This change to a distributed network of micro energy producers and consumers would create more jobs that pay better than those that would be lost due when the nuclear power plants and gas turbines become stranded assets.
I understand why people who have invested in the status quo would oppose this change, but why electrical unions and the construction industry haven’t embraced this change remains a mystery to me.
Probably the biggest opportunity to grow the economy and save the planet at the same time is through energy conservation. Most homes and businesses can be made more energy efficient, reducing costs. The monthly savings would pay off the upgrades in a relatively short time. Why the housing construction industry hasn’t embraced this change is also a mystery to me.

The energy industry is lying to us, for the same reasons why the tobacco industry lied in the past.
I believe we have been manipulated by wealthy people who profit from the status quo of laying waste to the earth’s biosphere for short term profits and union jobs. These people refuse to embrace change. The energy industry is lying to us, for the same reasons why the tobacco industry lied in the past.
I used to believe that people could be convinced to make better decisions if they were presented with good accurate information. I now realize that most people are overwhelmed by bad inaccurate manipulative misinformation.
Solutions exist to all our problems, but we won’t implement these solutions, not because it doesn’t make economic sense, but because the people who profit from the status quo are better at manipulating public opinion, than scientists and engineers.

Fiorito didn’t tell me if the hare got away.
For this reason, I’ve moved on to acceptance. Humanity isn’t going to make better choices to save ourselves and the earth’s biosphere. That’s why I am up north, trying to document what’s left, before its destroyed by logging companies intent on converting old growth forest into mostly toilet paper and consumer products that end up in landfills. While the rest of the species that share the Earth’s biosphere with us don’t deserve what’s coming, most of humanity does, including the environmentalists who are more interested in protesting the status quo, rather than meaningful action to change the status quo.

Watching –

Watching – ready to pounce.
Vince Fiorito now lives 300km north of Thunder Bay, near Wabakimi Park where he took the photographs.

Environmental problems have political solutions. Environmentalists must run for office and support political environmentalists. Political environmentalists exist in every political party including the Conservatives (Con. MP Michael Chong) Political environmentalists are an important but whipped minority in most political parties except the Greens. During elections I recommend ignoring political parties, leaders and easily made and broken election promises. These are distractions which mostly manipulate voters into poor choices. Instead consider ALL your election choices in YOUR RIDING and support the candidate based on their accomplishments. If all a candidates has is words on environmental issues before an election, likely that’s all you will get between elections. If you aren’t part of the political solution, then you are part of the environmental problem.
I recommend everyone get their climate science opinions from climate scientists and real SME’s, rather than manipulative infotainment or political opportunists that environmental groups help greenwash during elections and then protest afterwards.
OK we want to hand it over to wealthy people and big government who want to profit from climate hysteria? Climate change is on us now, even a 20 (or 10) year plan will be way too late to make a difference. Canada could go to zero C02 emissions and not make any difference to the global situation. The losers will be those at the bottom of the economic ladder as usual. And decarbonizing the third world? A recipe for economic disaster. We need to focus on adapting to climate change with technology and innovation not massively reducing carbon emissions. Remember the scene in Twister at the drive in movie theatre where they yell BILL ITS COMING! His answer (which is very applicable) – ITS ALREADY HERE!