Gazette columnist makes the front page of a Ukrainian newspaper

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr, Publisher

April 17, 2016


It happens – let a writer out of the country and they get carried away.

The Gazette’s political columnist Ray Rivers asked for some time off to travel to the Ukraine where he wanted to do some research for his next book.

We suggested he try to write his column while he was abroad but didn’t really expect to get anything.

Then the “funny” mushroom column arrived – and we knew that Rivers was at least alive.

Rivers Kiev

There he is with his picture on the front page and his column inside for everyone to read. What will we read next about this Ukrainian adventure?

This morning we find that our ace columnist is on the front page of the Kyiv Post.

Rivers, who know how to promote himself, sent the editor of the Kyiv Post a note saying they could reprint the column if they wished.
nd they wished – so there we are – Burlington’s on-line newspaper finds its political columnist on the front page of a Ukrainian newspaper.

Who owns the paper we wanted to know and how many papers are there in Kyiv?

There are three responded Rivers and I think they are all both paper and on-line: Unian and Ukraine Today are the others. No idea on circulation, nor ownership – an oligarch controls Ukraine Today.

We suggested to Rivers that given the political situation in the Ukraine that he might be “invited” to remain in the country for a while and be given a uniform.

Rivers responded: “There has been no offer of a rifle – but I’d hold out for a tank anyway. And no such luck, you don’t get rid of me that easily.”

“This Kherson ship-building town is really dead and dead poor – more Russian here than Ukrainian – one can tell – the Russkies use Da and Ukes Tak for yes.

We expect Rivers will report again and that he will have a byline of his own in the Ukrainia Kyiv Post.

Do stay tuned.

The funny mushrooms column

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