Gazette doing a poll of our readers - where do you live and what do you think?

News 100 redBy Staff

March 23, 2018



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The Gazette has been publishing since September of 2010

Every publisher wants to know – who reads what we write; where do they live, what do they like and what do we know about the demographics of our readers.

We have done readership surveys in the past: there were some surprises. We found that the readership was spread pretty even across the city – except for ward 6.

When the survey was being done the issue of the Air Park and the tonnes of land fill being dumped on the property without the proper papers – at least the ones city hall felt the property owner should have obtained – was a major story. The stories got significant readership in the other five wards – but was much lower than we expected in ward 6.

Air Park - trucks lined up

Tonnes of landfill from locations that were never entirely clear was dumped on the Air Park property. It took more than one court case to resolve that issue.

The current survey has been running for just a few days – far too early to tell us very much – but there are trends and in the public opinion polling business it doesn’t take thousands of responses to see a trend.

museum views - survey

The decision has been made to transform and significantly enlarge the Joseph Brant Museum. Was this a good idea?

While the views on the overhaul being done to the Joseph Brant Museum are far from valid – here is what we halve at this point.

We are going to run the survey for a couple of week.

You can only do the survey once. If you try to do it twice the software tells you that the survey has already been done.

survey04Privacy is a big big issue these days.

All we get to know about you personally is your gender, the ward you live in.

We will publish an in depth article when they survey is closed.

Click on the box to the right – take part and tell us what you think.

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4 comments to Gazette doing a poll of our readers – where do you live and what do you think?

  • Susie

    My personal opinion of choosing a Burlington Mayor from Council is that they are dedicated to their Ward only, and have little sincere interest in the “whole of Burlington”, which then enters into if they are going to be a good candidate as Mayor for “all of Burlington”. Decisions, decisions!!

  • gordon

    Ask the multitude of students, families, friends and concerned citizens thrown under the bus as a result of the Pearson and Bateman high school closures how they would view Meed Ward as a mayoral candidate (?).

  • Alide Camilleri

    Just did the survey. There was a section missing that allowed me to express the sad state of affairs regarding coverage in both the Gazette and the Post about event happening in North Burlington, i.e. above Hwy 407.

    For example: Did anybody know that a few weeks ago 221 homes up here were without hydro for about 10 hours because of a car accident? Nobody reported that. There are many other examples that are simply not reported. It is as if we do not exist up here.

  • I live in Shore Acres neighbourhood. I am very interested in what’s happening downtown. I would like MaryAnne Meed Ward for Mayor because she is interested in what the people of Burlington want. I’ve talked with her at length and am very impressed by her values. I read your Burlington Post nearly every time I receive a copy of it in my email files.