January 20th, 2017
Some of the budget goodies that you get for your tax dollars.
You will be able to get married at city hall – sometime this year.
It wasn’t clear in the budget deliberations whether this service is being offered by the Parks and Recreation department or the Clerk’s department.
No word on what the costs are going to be and if there is going to be a room spiffed up for the weddings.
The Mayor is known as the Chief Magistrate of the city and would have the authority to perform a wedding ceremony – sort of like the Captain on a cruise ship. He will need to get a license from the province to make the ceremony legal.
Great photo op – and this Mayor did say sometime ago that he finally gets it – it is all about getting your picture taken.
Cam Jackson would have been all over this one.
A limited market but the sign of a progressive city; the LGBTQ community may find it convenient.
The other goody is one that will please many who use Lakeshore Road frequently.
Ward 4 Councillor Jack Dennison who lives on Lakeshore Road complained of the people who move into the right hand lane and speed up past all the cars on the left and then cut into the traffic later on.
Dennison wants all those right hand lanes to be right hand turn lanes – forcing drivers to make the right hand turn.
That should make for much fun. All part of an Operating budget that came in at more than $152 million plus – representing a 4.56% increase over the tax rate last year.
Thats nice!!!!
Ever heard of the zipper merge? It is actually better for traffic flow if people continue to use both lanes and merge at the end when the right one runs out, taking turns from the left and right lanes, rather than forming a huge backlog in one lane while the other lane is empty.
Zip it!
According to CAA and the AMA traffic will move faster if you ‘cheat’ and merge late at a bottleneck.
https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/news/trans-canada-highway/traffic-will-move-faster-if-you-cheat-and-merge-late-at-a-bottleneck-study/article33596301/tleneck: study
Sorry, I didn’t read your comment before replying with one almost the same!