By Pepper Parr
April 13th, 2018
There are those wishing Councillor John Taylor a well-deserved and rich retirement.

Ward 3 Councillor John Taylor has served the city for 30 years.
He leaves for a short vacation to Amsterdam with his wife Cathy this weekend. Before he gets away he might want to look in on the problem Susan Tarnawski, a Glastonbury Rd resident has with the condition of the road in front of her house.
Dear Mr. Taylor,
Over the last two years I have inquired about the repaving Glastonbury Rd and a timeframe regarding when it would be completed. This street looks horrible especially all the patchwork everywhere and the large sink hole last year, that took over a week to fix. I have noticed that ALL the surrounding streets have been completed and/or in progress and Glastonbury has been over looked YET AGAIN!

A lot of votes in this part of the city.
I would like to know why they have preferential treatment. I’m trying of hearing about budget issues and then other surrounds streets get done. I am constantly call all winter long for the snow plows to come down our street has it is a sheet of all most of the time. All I have to stay is without a doubt this street is definitely been over looked for many years and it’s funny how if I forgot to pay my taxes by one day I receive a hand dropped off letter in my mail box ($30 charge) but if the street isn’t maintained no one comes to have a look.
Montgomery was completed last year as all the surrounding streets. Sheffield was done recently and Shropsire Place was completed two year. Can you please let me know if it is on your schedule this year or is it even on your radar. The taxpayers on this street deserve better treatment I think. We are all paying our taxes and not receiving anything in return. Also there are at least 3 major lights on the street that have been out for at least 4 months and I have been wondering how long it would take for the city to send someone to fix the issues.
This issue is not something recent for the resident. She first brought this to the attention of city staff in 2016. Tarnawski sent a note to Trevor Clark who works as an Infrastructure Technologist in the Capital Works – Infrastructure & Data Management Development and Infrastructure Division
Hi Trevor: I have met with several of my neighbors on Glastonbury Rd. and we have all come to the same conclusion that the street needs to be repaved especially since we had a sink hole about a month ago. Can you please let me know if and when this is possible.
On January 06, 2016 9:46 am Trevor Clark sent the following to Susan Tarnawski.
Thank you for your inquiry into Glastonbury Road. This road is currently identified in our systems as requiring a minor reconstruction, which is the replacement of the top two layers of asphalt along with necessary repairs to any surrounding infrastructure. This repair will be scheduled into the Capital Budget & Forecast as quickly as priority and budget allows. In addition, as part of the 2016 spring field review program, staff will assess the condition of this road and will address any immediate maintenance requirements. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
On March 3rd, 2016 at 8:24 am, Tarnawski sent Trevor Clark a follow up note:
Hi Trevor. I am just following up to my email in January and wondering if you know when this work might begin?
In March 3 of, 2016 – at 9:39 am to be precise, Trevor Clark sent Tarnawski the following note.
Thank you for your email. Glastonbury Road is still identified in our systems as a minor reconstruction candidate. We will be reviewing the road as part of the 2016 Spring Road Tour and then prioritizing it against other roads requiring the same treatment. After this is complete, we will introduce the road into the Capital Budget & Forecast as the priority and available budget allows. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Susan gave up and put in a call to her city council member.