Good technology puts information in the hands of the public.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

October 24th, 2019



The city council in place now looks at technology a lot differently than the council that served from 2010 to 2018.

That cohort was not comfortable with technology, were unable to make it work for them and didn’t know how to direct staff to make it work for the citizens.

The new council has members that know a lot more than many of the people in the IT departments. Lisa Kerns will rattle off data and phrases that most people don’t quite get. Part of it is some showing off – but she usually knows what she is talking about.

Getting information into the hands of the public, at least for those who want to know the what and why of what’s happening, is easily done if good data applications are put in place.

There is now a source of almost everything you might want to know about developments taking place in the city.

Development mapYou can adjust the size of the map.

Then by clicking on on any one of the red dots you get a short summary of who is doing the development and links to the city’s planning department which then gives you a list of all the studies that were done.

There is also a link to the developers web site.

Most of what you need is at your finger tips – no more scooting around from place to place to gather information on a single development.

A good step forward..

Try it – the Development sites is part of the Get Involved city web site.



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