Gould wants your input on the next federal budget - she puts a lot of effort into these events.

eventspink 100x100By Staff

November 16th, 2016



Our Member of Parliament, Karina Gould, is hosting a town hall discussion on Budget 2017, to provide residents of Burlington the opportunity to share their insights and suggestions for the 2017 federal budget.

Gould as a bandit

Right this way with your comments suggests MP Karina Gould who was masquerading as a Burlington Bandit.

The event is to take place at the Burlington Public Library, Centennial Hall, 2331 New St, Burlington, ON L7R 1J4 – Saturday, November 19, from 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Gould is asking for input from members of the community to identifying the opportunities that will help more families make ends meet, as well as ensure more prosperous communities, and foster long-term, sustainable economic growth.

Following the consultation, Gould will take these insights and suggestions back to Ottawa and present them to Finance Minister Bill Morneau.getting new - yellow

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