Have you been to WAG - it's where the animals gather. City is thinking of a larger off leash area - want your input.

News 100 blueBy Staff

August 3rd, 2016


It is all going to the dogs!

The woof woofs just might be getting one of the places in Burlington with a view that is to almost die for – Bayview Park.

The city is asking: Do you and your canine best friend use the leash-free area in Bayview Park?

If you do, the City of Burlington wants to hear your opinion about a possible leash-free area for small dogs.

We are looking at:

• Expanding the size of the total leash-free area from one hectare to 1.5 hectares
• Creating a separate leash-free area for small dogs only
• New six-foot (two-metre) high chain link fence with two double gate entrances
• Relocating the entrances
• Providing an accessible pathway from the existing parking lot into both of the leash-free areas
• Installing a new shelter in the small dog leash-free area.

Bayview Park at 1800 King Rd. is also known as W.A.G. (Where Animals Gather) Park. If you use the park, please take a moment to answer this short poll at www.burlington.ca/leashfree.

Bayview Park graphic

The park has one of the best views of the Skyway bridge – you can see the ships coming and going. King Road is also the road that the city closes in the spring so the Jefferson Salamanders can do what they do to increase their population. The road closure takes place further up King Road.

There is an added feature in taking your dog to this park – it is a nice way to get out of the city and on occasions a model Airplane club sends their small craft soaring through the skies. These guys are serious people and they have some pretty impressive model airplanes.


This off leash park is in Toronto. The parks offer a different level of civil society – not even a hint of stress. Must be nice.

Vote for the park – convince the city to make it as big as they can so the woof woofs have all kinds of space to run around. Convince them to create a shelter as well.

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2 comments to Have you been to WAG – it’s where the animals gather. City is thinking of a larger off leash area – want your input.

  • MrBean

    We used to frequent WAG park in the early early to mid 2000’s. I helped build the current weather shelter with the other volunteers over a 3 day period. It was a great community to bring our dog and socialize. Then something happened; some people thought the shelter was a smoking pit, some didn’t appreciate the wind and felt that they could staple heavy plastic to the sides of the shelter, many owners didn’t pick up after their pets. None of those early volunteers visit WAG anymore but still meet at a hidden park on Sunday mornings. Sad that some humans ruined it for us.

  • Maggie

    This park is only good for driver’s. Even if there was bus service,and I’m reasonably sure there’s not, dogs are not allowed on buses. So if you don’t drive and are not within walking distance your only choice is an expensive cab. That’s assuming of course that cabs let you take pets. I’ve never inquired.