By Staff
March 29th, 2021
The strain from the restrictions on what we can and cannot do while we weather ourselves through this pandemic are beginning to show.
The warm weather is going to attract all kinds of outside activity – and dinner at an outdoor patio – but only with people in your household – who are probably the last people you want to dine with – you’ve been cooped up with them for months.
The Halton District School Board is hosting two Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions for Parents/Guardians on Monday, March 29 and Tuesday, March 30 at 7 p.m. at

Tuesday, March 30 session will be for families with high school students
Discussion will include parent, child and youth mental health and well-being, ways in which parents/guardians can support their children, and resources available for youth and families. Each session will feature four panelists (parents, mental health experts, HDSB school social workers and community partners) who will share their experiences of parenting during COVID-19 and provide helpful information and resources.
The information session on Monday, March 29 will include information for parents/guardians of elementary students (Kindergarten – Grade 8) and the session on Tuesday, March 30 will include information for parents/guardians of secondary students (Grade 9 – 12).
These sessions will help parents/guardians learn about:
• How the pandemic may be impacting their, child’s, mental health and well-being
• Coping and well-being strategies for them and their children to support better mental health and well-being
• Resources and support available through their child’s school and within the community
Elementary Session: Monday, March 29 from 7 – 8:15 p.m. at
• Noorie Soni, HDSB parent and PIC member
• Kim Menezes-Francispillai, School Social Worker, HDSB
• Shivani Patel, Lead, Access and System Navigation, Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK)
• Nathan Pillai, Clinical Psychologist, Bayridge Counselling Centre
Secondary Session: Tuesday, March 30 from 7 – 8:15 p.m. at
• Darlene Wierski-Devoe, Parent and Program Supervisor, Halton Families for Families
• Melinda Dougan, School Social Worker, HDSB
• Shivani Patel, Lead, Access and System Navigation, Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK)
• Nicole Callander RSSW, Therapist, Bayridge Counselling Centre

Session will have information for parents/guardians of elementary students (Kindergarten – Grade 8) and the session on Monday March 29th.
The sessions will be livestreamed through the HDSB YouTube channel. Parents/guardians can visit at 7 p.m. on March 29 and/or March 30 to tune in. Registration is not required.
The HDSB is planning additional information sessions for parents/guardians on specific mental health & well-being topics to take place in the spring. The Board’s new Mental Health & Well-Being webpage has information for parents/guardians and students on mental health, ways to support positive mental health and well-being and how to get additional support at school and in the community.

Once again the Educators Teachers/ EAs’ staff and HDSB are stepping up to be the supporters for the future well being of those THEY care for 6 hours + a Day. OUR CHILDREN.. Yes frontline essential workers doing their best to help..