BURLINGTON, ON. April 10, 2013 It was 33 years ago this Friday that a young man dipped his foot into the Atlantic Ocean and starting off on his remarkable Marathon of Hope.
A short 143 days and 5,373 kilometres (3,339 mi), after wetting that one good foot we lost Terry Fox but today have one of the greatest examples of what hope and the human spirit can achieve.
The annual Terry Fox Run, first held in 1981, has grown to involve millions of participants in over 60 countries and is now the world’s largest one-day fundraiser for cancer research; over C$500 million has been raised in his name.
Burlington holds its annual Terry Fox run where hundreds of people show up. Fine event.
The Terry Fox organization that raises funds for a cancer cure is encouraging all Canadians to mark April 12th with a Terry Fox inspired activity – go for a walk with your family, help someone out, share your feelings about Terry on social media.
Let them know what you did by posting a story and/or a picture on the Terry Fox Facebook page on Friday.
Totally inspirational, there’s nothing more I can say — & just so proud to be a part of the Burlington Beachway Park Volunteer Committee who always try to put on the best Terry Fox Event each year, along the beautiful Burlington Lakeshore. Thank you, Terry Fox, for being such a role model to all of us. 🙂