BURLINGTON, ON June 12, 2012 Art in Action awarded two scholarships at their annual silent fundraising auction at Rayoon –Persian Fare in Burlington’s Village Square.
Ten Burlington public and catholic schools participated. Each school put forth an applicant that was pursuing a post-secondary fine arts program. Each student completed an application and included three digital images of their artwork.
The jury process consisted of six Art in Action artists representing various art mediums. Two winners were selected.
Congratulations to Jessica Gneth of M.M. Robinson high school and Olivia Hashka of Nelson High.
Other applicants were Sara Fackrell of Aldershot high, Ashley Jean-Gilles of Assumption catholic secondary, Stephanie Moore of L. B. Pearson High school and Michelle Friesen of Robert Bateman high school.
The winners received a scholarship of $1000.00 each as well as free admission to participate in this November’s studio tour .
Art in Action celebrates it’s tenth anniversary this year and will put on an especially robust Studio Tour this fall.