By Pepper Parr
February 24th, 2019
Now that they are comfortable in the new Council chambers the seven people you elected to guide the direction Burlington is to go in the next four years, we get to learn how much it cost each candidate to get elected and where the money came from.
The process, which is lengthy and drawn out, begins on Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019 which is the last day for Clerk to provide notice of financial filing requirements and penalties to candidates and registered third parties.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Last day for candidate or registered third party to apply to Superior Court of Justice to extend the time to file the financial statement.
Friday, March 29, 2019 By 2 p.m.
Last day for all candidates and registered third parties to file their preliminary financial statements for reporting period ending Dec. 31, 2018
Last day for candidate or registered third party to notify Clerk of filing extension received from the Superior Court of Justice
After 2 p.m.
90-day compliance audit period begins
Start of 30-day period in which a candidate or registered third party can file the primary financial statement and pay a $500 late filing fee
Monday, April 29, 2019
By 2 p.m.
Last day for a candidate or registered third party to file a primary financial statement and pay the $500 late filing fee.
Last day for Clerk to review financial statements and report on any that have exceeded the limits
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Last day to request a compliance audit on a primary financial statement
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
End of supplementary campaign period
Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019
Last day for Clerk to provide notice of supplementary filing requirements and penalties to candidates or registered third parties.
It will be interesting to see if any of the Third Party Advertisers actually file financial reports – recall that all, except for one, were numbered corporations that could care not as much as a whit if they were prevented from participating in a future election.
“It will be interesting to see if any of the Third Party Advertisers actually file financial reports”.
Don’t hold your breath. People who lurk in the shadows of the political process and try to influence the outcome by spreading around money (or manure) aren’t usually interested in things like accountability. It takes courage and guts to: 1) run for public office; 2) campaign openly for what you believe in and defend your principles; and 3) at the end of the campaign accept the judgement of the majority of voters. Much easier to sow discord and division.
“By their deeds so shall ye know them”. Matthew, 7:16
Editor’s note:
We identified the people behind those numbered corporations when they were used – will follow up on whether or not they file financial reports and then do some work on just who those interests were serving. We will just ‘follow the money’.