If you are a senior - let city hall know what you think - before they decide to do your thinking for you.

News 100 blueBy Staff

May 24th, 2016


The City of Burlington is encouraging residents 55+ years of age and their care partners to share their thoughts and opinions by completing an online survey at


The Bistro, the heart of the Seniors'entre and the focal point for many of the administrative problems. The new agreement with the city didn't resolve this problem but they have agreed to give it a year to come up with a solution that works for everyone.

The Bistro, the heart of the Seniors Centre.

Feedback from the survey will be used to help develop the city’s Active Aging Plan, which aims to help keep older adults active, healthy and engaged in their community.

“The city is committed to creating a community that is age-friendly, where increased accessibility and opportunities for participation help residents of all ages create meaningful connections within the community,” said Chris Glenn, the city’s director of parks and recreation. “We

Mayor Rick Goldring has his membership application processed at the Seniors' Centre - filling another of his campaign promises.

Mayor Rick Goldring has his membership application processed at the Seniors’ Centre – joining was one of his campaign promises.

really want to understand the needs and perspectives of older adults when it comes to things like transportation, leisure, civic participation, communications, and inclusion. Input from the community will be critical in ensuring the Active Aging Plan truly reflects the needs of Burlington’s older adults.”

Printed copies of the Active Aging survey are also available at city recreation centres and libraries.

They do want to know what you think – how they respond and react to what you tell them is the issue – but if they don’t have the data then they can’t respond.

So go on line or get a copy of the forms at city recreation centres and libraries and answer the questions.

We will watch for the data and then see how they respond – this isn’t going to result in changes all that quickly; it is a three phase project.

Just that kind of day seniors sitting

Just that kind of day seniors sitting

Phase 1 is complete; phase 2 will include – Phase 2 – Community Engagement, Public online survey, Stakeholder focus groups and Community workshops.

Phase 3 will cover Action Plan Development during which staff will assess opportunities and priorities, develop strategies and recommendations and create a draft action plan which will get presented to City Council in December.

getting new - yellowWhat would be useful – and what this city doesn’t do – is report to the public on their progress. Taking a copy o the draft plan to public meetings and setting out the options would make the final plan much more real.

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1 comment to If you are a senior – let city hall know what you think – before they decide to do your thinking for you.

  • Karen Newman

    they always want to know what you think…looks good on paper…but their actions speak differently!!