BURLINGTON, ON March 13, 2012
There is an opportunity for you to meet with your peers and guess what the federal budget is going to do to you and listen to someone who really does understand “Information Bombardment and has some ideas and thoughts Rising Above the Digital Onslaught”
Dr. Nick Bontis, Author; Strategy and Management Guru; Director, Institute for Intellectual Capital Research Inc., argues that as we accelerate into the knowledge era, intellectual capital becomes the most important asset of an organization.
Nick Bontis, ranked among the Top 30 management gurus in the world, will be delivering a dynamic, high-energy presentation on knowledge management process and how to grow it to sustainable competitive advantage.
When and where: Thursday March 29, 2012, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Burlington Convention Centre.
Nick Bontis is a Canadian academic, professional speaker, author and management consultant. He specializes in intellectual capital, knowledge management and organizational learning. Bontis is Associate Professor of Strategic Management and Director of Undergraduate Programs at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He is also the Director of the Institute for Intellectual Capital Research a management consulting firm and research think-tank that specializes in conducting human capital diagnostic assessments for corporate and government clients. He is also Associate Editor of the Journal of Intellectual Capital and Chief Knowledge Officer of Knexa Solutions – the world’s first knowledge exchange auction.[1][2][3]
In 1992, Bontis graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Honors Business Administration) from Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario. In 1999, he graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy (Business Administration) from Ivey. Bontis currently lives in Ancaster, Ontario with his wife Stacy, and their three children Charlie, Dino and Tia Maria.
Bontis teaches business strategy to undergraduates, knowledge management to MBAs, and advanced statistics to doctoral students. He is also the coordinator of the first year introduction to business orientation course. In 2007, he was recognized as the first professor ever to win three outstanding teaching awards simultaneously: undergraduate instructor of the year, MBA instructor of the year, and McMaster University instructor of the year. He also received the faculty researcher of the year award for the business school.
Maclean’s has rated him as one of McMaster’s most popular professors for six years in a row.[4] In 2007, Bontis was one of 38 professors nominated for the 2008 Ontario’s Best Lecturer award.[5] In February 2008, TVO announced that he was among the top ten finalists.[6] In 2008, the OUSA (Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance) recognized Dr. Nick Bontis as the top university professor in the province. The official award citation read “OUSA would like to recognize Dr. Nick Bontis for having made a significant contribution to teaching excellence and for facilitating a positive learning experience for Ontario students”.[7] In 2009, Bontis was awarded the 3M National Teaching Fellowship,[8] an exclusive honour only bestowed upon the top university professors in Canada.[9] He was also the OCUFA Teaching Award winner which is given to the top professors in Ontario.[10]
This is a Burlington Economic Development Corporation Mayor`s Imagince, Ignite, Innovate luncheon event. Tickets are $65.00 plus HST Table of 8: $520 plus HST Register through the BEDC web site: