By Pepper Parr
February 10th, 2022
My friend Joan Krygsman is once of these terribly creative people.
She has a web site – stripedardvark – ( which is the first hint that this one is different.
Energetic, plays the guitar, sings, shows up in the darnedest places with her partner.
Completes tax returns for people who need help and sells rain water barrels.
Are you getting a sense as to what you are about to be told.
She has invented a game.
I’m not a games person – but later this week I’ll do my best to tell you more about it. If you want to get a head start follow the link.
The game will consist of a kit of coloured cards and will be on line as well in the very near future.
Joan is using a novel way of raising the money needed to get this game into production. She has been working on it for a couple of years – when Wordle took the world by storm Joan knew she had to get into production and has chosen to use the Kickstarter model.
To order the game and learn more about Kickstarter click HERE