Is Joe Dogs at risk? Probably

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

July 4th, 2021



Well – there goes that neighbourhood!

Joe Dogs is at risk,  the best that can be hoped for if the 26 story development is approved on the site literally next door, there will be an opportunity to quaff a cool one while watching the construction take place yards away.

The Renimmob Properties Limited, a corporation new to the Burlington development scene, has either purchased or obtained options on the property.  Approval of the development will be the beginning of a whole new look to the area.

The deep thinkers in the Planning Department have scoped out what they think that part of the city should look like.

site aerial

What we all know at the No Frills Plaza is expected to undergo a major change in terms of what is on the site and the uses to which it is put.

John Street, which is actually a lane north of Caroline, would be extended through the plaza property and reach Victoria Street.

Front and rear renderingsRambo Creek runs through the back end (east side of the plaza property) – the plans call for the creation of a walking trail with park benches and the shifting of the No Frills supermarket closer to Brant Street with large scale (17 storey) housing and underground parking.

If and when it is completed it will be a neighbourhood unto itself with a storied pub part of it.  All Joe Dogs has to do is issue patrons hard hats and hope everyone survives.

A couple of blocks to the north is the the Molinaro proposed development that will take up three corners of the Brant – Ghent intersection.

Both the Molinaro and the Renimmob developments are well north of what is seen as the downtown core. What they will do is create a much more vibrant community along Brant and meet the growth targets the province requires.

Even further north there are the properties that surround the GO station with the right to put up structures of almost any height – those proposed properties comply with the existing Official Plan and zoning in the area.

The graphic below shows what is in the works and what exists in that mid part of Brant street.

surrounding development
There is more to this story – tune in for part two on Monday.

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16 comments to Is Joe Dogs at risk? Probably

  • Colette

    With regards to Spencer Smith Park being accessible only to the million dollar condo owners I laugh out loud. This person has obviously not been to the park lately. On weekends the streets and parking garage are full of people coming from “elsewhere” to use the park. They bring their tents, lawn chairs, barbecues etc and seem to have a wonderful time. I can assure you that it is not the nearby condo owners who are using Spencer Smith Park. It is too busy for us to even want to step foot in, especially during a pandemic.

  • david barker

    The many naysayers commenting here, please note this.

    Developers can be beaten. The Provincial Government can be persuaded to do the right thing.

    Hopefully this enlightenment carries over to the appeals against the City at the OLT brought by the money hungry, uncaring developers.

  • Joe Gaetan

    Its over folks, too late. That whole area (Caroline to Victoria) will be “raized to the ground”. Best we can do is fiddle around the edges and get some commnity benefits.

  • Diane Knox

    The struggle to ” PLAN” the Core of Burlington was lost in the 1970’s when the “Save the Lakeshore” committee lost to a Hotel. and then the demolition of all the “Lakeshore” properties began for the Tor. condo developers.
    Even the historic ones–Last standing–The Estaminet, The Tree Top Lounge, The Water Street Cooker, Emma’s Back Porch. What’s in a name? the memories and the views were all the same. Soon to come 26,35 Stories? and ‘old Lakeshore Road’–ripe for the pickings of deep pockets…

    Ever since and to this year Elected by US, Town and City Councils and MPP’s have ignored the wishes the vision of citizens. Now we have “City Planning?, OP?,” ( Nice Labels, not much ‘Planning’)- and created a Corridor of Condos, with constant traffic congestion- (they need cars to buy stuff ). with constant delayed access to our ONLY HOSPITAL.
    And a Theme Park-Festival Park–Spencer Smith— that no taxpayer, other than those who live in million Dollar condos by the lake can enjoy We just can’t get there! park there or have space to walk there

    Too bad more residents like Greg, David, Alfred were not here in the beginning to stop the destruction of valuable access to a world treasure–Lake Ontario. We might have saved our shore and put the condos like Oakville did on the Rail ‘HUBS’ not the Lake.

    • Bob

      “And a Theme Park-Festival Park–Spencer Smith— that no taxpayer, other than those who live in million Dollar condos by the lake can enjoy We just can’t get there! park there or have space to walk there“

      There is a 5 story parking municipal parking garage behind the gas station available for all citizens of town.

    • david barker

      Ms Knox, what a load of “old cobblers”!

      I often cycle through Spencer Smith Park, both on weekdays and weekends, and I see it being used by residents from all over the city, but especially from North Burlington. That is so great to see.and completely contradicts your suggestion that the park is only for the very wealthy. Where you get that from I do not know.

      Certainly more visitor parking is needed and should be provided by and in any new development.

      You say “Ever since and to this year Elected by US, Town and City Councils and MPP’s have ignored the wishes the vision of citizens. Now we have “City Planning?, OP?,” ( Nice Labels, not much ‘Planning’)- and created a Corridor of Condos…………”. You totally ignore the tremendous work the entire Council has done over the past 2+ years to remould the City’s OP, its zoning bylaws and in getting the Provincial Government’s support for where in our city intensification should take place.

      The light under which this development and all the others waiting adjudication at the OLT will be inspected has changed oh so dramatically. No longer to be viewed against the old OP, but now the 2020 OP which reflects this City’s wishes.

      We can only hope and pray the OLT adheres to the Regional Govt approved OP and the Provincial Government agreement to the City’s Growth Centre when adjudicating the appeals.

      • Bob

        “ I often cycle through Spencer Smith Park, both on weekdays and weekends, and I see it being used by residents from all over the city, but especially from North Burlington. ”

        What do people from North Burlington look like that differentiates from East West or South? Or do you literally stop and ask everyone in the park where they’re from? I don’t want to make accusations blindly so will let you explain what you mean by that.

        The part I’ll agree with is that the park is well used by citizens of Burlington. It is a park for ALL citizens, no matter their location, just as my children enjoyed playing sports at. Sherwood Forest although at the time we lived in Aldershot. Went swimming at Mountainside when we lived downtown etc. As for the parking, I’m sure when the parking garage 1/2 a block from Spencer Smith is running at capacity (which it isn’t) then either public or private interest will build another parking facility like the delayed one to be finished on John St.

        • david barker

          WOW, Bob

          You must not get out much north of Fairview.

          Burlington is home to a very large visible minority South Asian community which is predominantly located in the Dundas/407/Walkers/Appleby area. The South Asian community can be seen enjoying Spencer Smith Park most days, which is great to see because that’s quite some hike for them to make.

          Spencer Smith Park is well used by all sections of the Burlington community.

          AZ for parking, Bob, I have often seen signage there saying the multi-storey garage behind the Esso station is full to capacity, particularly on hot weekends or holiday weekends.

          • Bob

            I actually live in the core, across the street from visible minorities, around the corner from a couple I will assume to be South Asian. Your comment of where people come from was racist and uncalled for. Especially from an educated person such as yourself.

        • david barker


          My comment had no racist element to it at all. How you can take it to be racist is beyond comprehension.

          You asked me “what do people from North Burlington look like”. I answered honestly and factually that there exists a large South Asian community in that part of Burlington. Their presence and enjoyment of Spencer Smith Park is easy to see being a large visible minority.

          Is it racist to say there exists a large Asian community in Markham or Greek community in and around the Danforth.area of Toronto. No, of course not. These are facts.

          The word “racist” is defined as “prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.”

          I have in no way denigrated, shown any prejudice or antagonism towards the South Asian community. I challenge you to show otherwise.

          Perhaps you should educate yourself as to what racism actually is.

          Start your education by reading the torrent of on-line abusive comments made against three black English footballers who missed their penalty efforts in yesterday’s Euro 2020 final. Those horrible comments are racist ! Me referring to the three as black is not racist. It is simply descriptive.

          Bob, I await your apology to be published here.

          Editor’s Note: The practice when using black to refer to people of colour is to capitalize the B – Black.

  • Reality is that city halls plan is to stuff as many people in where ever they can. When the inevitable traffic nightmare occurs you will be directed to the “Official Transit Plan”. Where 15% of people bike everywhere and 15% of people use public transit. This is free form delusion. There is no sense to any of it.

    • david barker

      What evidence do you have to say “Reality is that city halls (sic) plan is to stuff as many people in where ever they can.” The Council has been fighting for over 2 years to stop exactly that. Stuffing people into the ICBL area where developers (like this one) have applied for high rises with heights ignoring OP (any OP) zoning levels.

  • Alfred

    A City with a Downtown Core totally in chaos.

    An Official Plan dated 1999 with some revisions. New Provincial Housing Policy directions that make the old Official Plan and corresponding By-laws useless.

    The Planning Staff cannot defend these old policies. OMB and LPAT decisions in favour of the developers in the downtown core prove that.

    It is time the City, Region and Province.establish what is in store for the Downtown core in a crystal clear manner. Once and for all. This is an embarrassment for all 3. Developers and citizens should be able to determine what can be built and where.

    • david barker

      Hey, Alfred. Long time no speak. Trust you are well. Belated Happy Canada Day. To you.

      The new OP has been approved at City and Regional level. Apparently it conforms to Provincial requirements. The Province has only just this past week given its approval to move the downtown core out of the area designated for intensification growth. That growth now being focused upon Brant north of Caroline and along Fairview close to the Go station. The OLT (formerly LPAT, formerly OMB) will now adjudicated the appeals and should do on the 2020 OP and Provincial direction. Being political appointees, one hope the OLT members will rule based upon our OP and the Provincial direction – i.e. against the appelants.

      The Mayor has delivered upon her election promise. Now we must hope OLT is respectful. Development in the downtown core is still available but will, we hope, be told it must adhere to the OP and zoning bylaws.

      Alfred, your thoughts please on Carriage Gate not meeting its obligations under its Section 37 agreement with the City in relation to its one third completed John Street development.

      • David Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the evidence is the new official plan has not been approved. Just waiting for validation of evidencec facts from Nancy Shea Nicole and Minister Clark to act on evidence which he will hopefully do soon.

  • david barker

    Will the developer address the additional traffic the neighborhood will develop, through Road traffic management and more that the statutory, what is it, 1.1 parking spaces per unit. That is totally inadequate. The ratio should be more like 3 for every unit so as to include public pay parking.

    What will happen to existing tenants in the plaza. I suspect we’ll find they get priced out of the development.