By Pepper Parr
April 28th, 2020
This could be fun – and goodness knows we need something other than black humour.

Never quite sure what Lisa Kearns is going to say when she has a microphone in her hands.
Lisa Kearns, Councillor for Ward 2, has announced that she is going to hold a virtual constituency meeting.
In a message to everyone on her mailing list she said:
You’re invited to a Ward 2 Virtual Community Update Meeting on Thursday, April 30th, 2020 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The best place for you is at home, please join me through Zoom technology (video and/or audio) to connect with the community.
Hear about what’s happening at City Hall and in your City. Engage on what matters to you.
• CoVID-19 Response
• City Hall News
• Planning & Development
• Construction & Projects
• Healthy Living
• Environment
• Q&A Session
As always, everyone welcome.
Kearns is what we journalists call “good copy” – you’re never sure what she is going to say or how the words are going to flow from her mouth.
The best I ever got from covering her events was that “Phoney baloney” line.
So tune in on Thursday – it might be better than the movies – and given that the theatres are closed, Lisa Kearns is all you have going for you Thursday night.

I can not speak for other Councillors, our MPP or MP, but I follow Mayor Meed-Ward on Facebook, Newsletter and LinkedIn. She has daily updates and is very transparent with all City Hall matters. She even promptly answers my emails and texts.