Labour Day Rib Fest - starts at 10 runs till 7pm

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

September 6th, 2020


Just a day away.

The Labour Day Rib Fest or how a local service club turned a disadvantage into an advantage.

If you looked around there was still some sitting room.  The weather was close to perfect and the music was good - great way to bring a summer to a close.

This was the way it used to be – when times were normal.

The Rib Fest, approaching its 25th year of operation had to shut down its plans to celebrate the raising of funds for the community and feeding a really large crowd.

That wasn’t something they were very good at doing – so they did a big pivot and put on an event on Canada Day that was a success and decided to do it again on Labour Day – that will be Monday,

Entrance to the event will be off  Fairview this time – look for the directional signs – they will be everywhere.

Map Sept 2020

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1 comment to Labour Day Rib Fest – starts at 10 runs till 7pm

  • Bill Stoneham

    Huge congratulations to all Rotary Members, involved in continuing this traditional, successful fund-raiser. I am sure you put your CASH into the BANK of your choice every evening, so there is no repeat of disappearing dollars, as in 2019. Was that 2019 ‘robbery’ ever solved??