Lady of The Lakes getting frequent shampoos

News 100 greenBy Staff

July 15th, 2021



We have a reader who I lives directly across from the Fountain at Spencer Smith Park.

She tells an interesting story about some “shampooing” that has taken place recently.

“A number of times last year the fountain was “shampooed” resulting in a foam party down at the park.

Foam for the lady

Lady of Lakes has been getting shampoos frequently. The Park maintenance people do not appear to be amused.

“I watched as City workers arrived each time to clean up the “mess”. It appeared that each time they needed to drain the fountain and clean it and refill it. It also appeared to take quite a few workers and quite a bit of time and effort to restart the fountain.

“A few days ago (I think last Saturday) I noticed during the day that the fountain was once again shampooed with foam bouncing about the park – quite a few people noticed it and were having a bit of fun chasing bubbles.

“They drained the fountain and have not performed any work to restart it – I’m guessing that perhaps they’ve had enough and have decided to leave it dry – but I’m not sure. It’s a shame but I do get it.”

“The photograph is one from last year’s shampooing from my front window view.”

The city might want to have one of the Park Ambassadors to be on the look out.

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