March 9th, 2016
These guys

Heavy construction equipment in place to dig trenches and prepare the necessary parts of the infrastructure. There are 12 pieces of heavy equipment ready to dig.
Are the reason this part of Lakeshore Road between Elizabeth and Pearl have to be closed. Concrete pipes have to be put underground. Announcement from city says road will be closed from the 7th to the 11th.
We are chasing down city hall to get confirmation on those dates.
When it is all done – this is what it is going to look like.

The Bridgewater project – made up of two condominiums and a Marriott hotel is scheduled to be completed in 2018 – between now and then there will be all kinds o squawking about road closures and inconvenience – the price of progress.

That’s all I keep asking the Burlington Gazette (which seems to be alive again) is to be NEUTRAL!!!
Please don’t call it “progress”. That’s a myth.
It’s just development, that has all kinds of costs and impacts that are hardly progressive.
Many people don’t like it or want it.
So please stop excusing it with myth and at least be neutral.
It is allowed under laws and policies, and that’s why it’s being built.
The rest is advertising.