Leaf collection schedule changed - parts of the city will not get coverage.

News 100 greenBy Staff

November 19th, 2019



We are experiencing the effects of Climate Change.

The city announced earlier today that: “Due to the cold temperatures and the early snow fall, the loose-leaf collection schedule is changing.

• Leaf Collection Zone 2 will resume Wednesday, Nov. 20 to Nov. 29, if weather allows.

• Leaf Collection Zone 3 will run between Nov. 25 and Dec. 6, if weather allows.

• Leaf Collection in Zones 1 and 4 is cancelled. Residents are encouraged to mulch their leaves or bag them for Halton Region’s yard waste pick-up.

Loose leaf Nov 19-3

Loose leaves pick up for districts 1 and 4 are cancelled.

To ensure the safety of collection crews and avoid damaging equipment, please keep the loose-leaf piles free of debris and sticks. Leaves mixed with debris and waste will not be collected. Please help prevent flooding, by keeping catch basins and ditches clear of leaves.

To ensure a successful pick-up, residents can:

• Rake leaves to the edge of the curb or roadway in a loose pile
• Remove basketball nets, cars and other obstructions from the road during pick-up dates
• Clear leaves from sidewalks and walkways
• Avoid playing garbage bags, bins, Blue Boxes or Green Carts on top of loose-leaf piles
• Give crews distance to remove the leaves when driving

After the collection program is complete, any remaining leaves should be placed in yard-waste bags for curb side collection by Halton Region.

Mark Adam, Manager of Road Operations said that: “The early snowfall has covered many leaf piles and has interrupted our collection program. The cold temperatures limit the effectiveness of our leaf vacuum units and street sweepers as frozen piles of leaves cannot be swept up or vacuumed. Long-range forecasts show a short period of favourable weather in which crews will do their best to complete Zones 2 and 3.”

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3 comments to Leaf collection schedule changed – parts of the city will not get coverage.

  • “Wendy, just to correct some of highly inaccurate generalisationsyou have made. First, here in south Burlington, not all of us are “affluent, with landscape maintenance”–many of us are pensioners who have to watch our $$$. Second, most of the leaves are from CITY trees–they are NOT OUR leaves; as you are undoubtedly aware, the City likes to tell us that these are CITY trees and emphasises that we cannot touch them on pain of legal penalty. Since the City makes the mess, the City can clean it up.”

  • Wendy

    Waste of taxpayers money! Horrible for environment ! Mulch your leaves …. dangerous for cyclist and pedestrians. The affluent recipients of this benefit pay their landscapers anyways so boo boo that your leaves aren’t picked up !!

  • MrBean

    Well this sucks for the many of us citizens living north of the QEW. We pay taxes up here but treated like crap. Why only pick up leaves in the coveted south and not us way up here?