By Pepper Parr
December 20th, 2023
A couple more days and we can put our feet up, relax knowing that we have done everything we could to prepare for the holidays.
The younger children will be excited, close to unable to wait for Christmas day
The Burlington Library has expanded their seasonal offering from books and videos to some advice on how to handle the holidays. Keep it in mind when you are thinking about others in the days ahead.
Let’s face it. Despite the twinkling lights, peppermint drinks, and supercharged cheerfulness, this time of year can be tough to cope with—especially if you feel alone. During the pandemic lockdowns, we embraced changes such as takeout meals, online shopping, streaming movies, and reading eBooks. These are now conveniences that keep us comfortably at home. But as a result of having fewer interactions or meaningful connections with others, loneliness is on the rise.

This person is just a phone call away.
Last month, the World Health Organization announced loneliness and social isolation may soon reach epidemic proportions. They identified serious health risks linked to loneliness, such as dementia, stroke, and heart disease. But along with this dire news, the WHO’s leading health experts also suggested a simple prescription to combat loneliness—getting in touch with others by phone, online, and in-person; doing things you enjoy; and reaching out to local services that can connect you with others.
Connect With Others in a Third Place
Your local public library is a great place to start.
Last year, Burlington Public Library took part in a research project based out of McMaster University about how libraries can support connections and successful aging. This ongoing project explores the role public libraries play in strengthening social inclusion for older adults in the community. While this study focuses on older adults, the library offers opportunities for connection to people of all ages.
“We want everyone to feel welcome and included when they visit Burlington Public Library in person and online,” says David Quezada, Manager of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at Burlington Public Library (BPL). “We care deeply about providing an accessible communal space for all.”
Libraries are sometimes called a “third place.” This sociology term refers to familiar and welcoming surroundings separate from the two places where most people spend most of their time—work and home. Spending time in a “third place” can increase your social connections and sense of belonging.
Whether visiting for a few minutes or lingering for hours—you’re always welcome at Burlington Public Library. Pop in to chat with staff while you browse the displays. Or, if you’re looking to socialize and meet people with similar interests, perhaps you’d enjoy attending an interactive program such as Knit ‘n’ Natter or BPL Book Club. And don’t forget about the library’s comfy seats where you can read newspapers and magazines in a friendly space away from home.
Get the Jump on Seasonal Affective Disorder
The Library also offers a chance to brighten up your day, quite literally. A form of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) may cause changes in your feeling of well-being during the late fall and winter months when daylight hours are shorter.
If you’re experiencing mild, temporary “winter blues,” increasing your exposure to natural or artificial daylight can help reduce seasonal doldrums. Come into BPL’s branches for a mood boost under a light therapy floor lamp. The Library offers these at all locations except for Kilbride. The lamp’s bright UV-filtered light mimics natural sunlight. (Sorry, tropical heat is not included!)
Talk to Local Support Services
While simply getting out of the house can be enough to kick a mild case of loneliness, some folks need more support.
If you’re not sure where to turn, caring library staff can refer you to people and places in the community that can support you. You can call 905.639.3611 during library open hours to speak to a staff member or reach out by email to

Is this leading by example?
“Connecting people with community resources is an important part of what we do at the library,” says Quezada. “We can provide guidance to help you find the services you need.”
The Library also hosts free drop-in sessions where you can talk to specialists from local support organizations.
You Have a Friendly Face to Turn To
The Library is open every day, except statutory holidays so you always have somewhere to turn. If you’re ever feeling lonely, know that you can find a friendly face and a warm hello at your local library.
People who need a helping hand often don’t know how to reach out.
Those who have a supporting family and a great circle of friends have the most to give – reach out and invite people to share what you have.

Used to love the library, haven’t been there in years, busy with life I suppose. I’m gonna have to carve out some time and go next year.
As we keep on repeating, our library is the best. We actually bought a light therapy lamp after it was obvious we needed one if this winter for us was anything like last winter. Would never have thought of looking to the library. Kudos yet again. Wishing all the staff and their families the very best of health and happiness for the New Year.