Library and Sound of Music hook up -

eventsred 100x100By Staff

January 18th, 2018



SoM + BPL graphicBurlington Public Library and the Sound of Music Festival are excited to announce a new partnership.

Starting in January, free music and art education workshop series begins. They are called: Taking It to the Streets, designed for kids ages 9 to 12:

Sun January 21: Body Percussion Level 2 with Sheldon De Souza

Create music from nothing to something! Turn a zipper into a scratching turntable. A bottle for a cowbell. Clap, tap or stomp in a pattern. Use multiple voices to layer and create impact.

Sun February 11: Creative Arts with Rosalinde Pecino

Rosalinde Pecino

Rosalinde Pecino will show people how to explore the world of imagination and artistic expression.

This workshop is an opening into the magical realm of creative arts using a series of exercises focusing on play, discovery, relationship, and expression. Together, with the help of the arts, we explore the world of imagination and artistic expression!

Sun April 8: Body Percussion Level 2 with Sheldon De Souza

Sun May 27: Theme to be announced

Sessions run 1.30-3pm. To register for any one or all of the Taking It to the Streets music education workshops @Central, please visit Sound of Music Festival. Space is limited. Maximum 20 children. There is no cost to attend but pre-registration is required.

Questions about the workshops? Contact Elizabeth Gomez, Chair, Music Education, Sound of Music Festival, 905.334.2241.

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