Mayor celebrates a birthday as she prepares for a New Year

News 100 redBy Staff

January 4th, 2021



Meed Ward at BSCI

The birthday girl!

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward, back from several days of R&R, steps into city hall and celebrates a birthday.

A year older and probably a year wiser. The last two years have been a wonderful ride for her and the city she now leads.

Her plans for the week we are into are set out below.

Her plans for the month are to tackle the budgets that are now before Council.

Her plans for the year?  Build on what she has achieved and plan for the next election.

That’s less than two years away and while there is no one on the current council who can take the job away from her – one never knows what other interests in the city would like to see her removed.

Were she to slip at all – Councillor Sharman is ready and quite willing to wear that Chain of Office.

MMW Jan 4-10 part 1
mmw JAn 4-10 part 2

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2 comments to Mayor celebrates a birthday as she prepares for a New Year

  • Carol Victor

    He will be lucky to be a member of the team next election…let alone run for mayor.

  • Hans Jacobs

    Re: “…Councilor Sharman is ready and quite willing to wear that Chain of Office…” – that may be so, but didn’t he get much less than 50% of the votes in his ward in the last election? He seems the least likely councilor to be able to win a contest for Mayor.

    Happy birthday MMW!