By Pepper Parr
May 14, 2018
Didn’t take long for mayoralty candidate Marianne Meed Ward to hop on a good story and turn it to her advantage.
The Toronto Star did a lengthy piece on Sunday about the development planned for the downtown core.
Meed Ward was out the gate this morning with a note to her followers – it went like this.
Residents have been warning about the negative impact of over development downtown on loss of retail, community character and more, and now others are taking notice.
The Toronto Star wrote a front page article today on how Burlington’s growing pains became an election issue Toronto has had their own problems with growth that focuses relentlessly on adding population without planning communities: traffic congestion, crowding, lack of community amenities, loss of retail.

Councillor Marianne Meed Ward and Mayor Goldring.
That’s headed our way if we don’t get our downtown plan right. We’re already seeing the focus on counting units, not quality of life.
The promise of growth isn’t delivering. Don’t believe the justifications offered for over-intensification:
• “it’s good for business” TRUTH: We’re losing retail and commercial space, up to two-thirds in one proposal
• “we have no choice, the province is making us” TRUTH: the province sets broad forecasts for growth, which we’ll meet well ahead of time. How, where and how much we grow is up to us
• “we have to protect the rural area” TRUTH: the rural area has been protected since 2006 and is not at risk of development. No one should pit one area against another to justify over-development.
• ”it will bring affordable housing” TRUTH: the units being built don’t meet Halton Region’s affordability criteria.
We have a choice this election: the current mayor who says we have to accept this over intensification (up to 30 high-rises downtown in the new plan he supported) or scaling back the plan with an amendment after the next election.

Retail that will disappear should the 409 Brant development be approved.
The choice is clear: responsible growth or over-intensification that will forever change the Burlington we chose to make our homes to live, work, play, raise our families and retire.
We can change the downtown plan with a new council, and I’ll do everything I can to make that happen.
Spread the word: share this message with your friends and neighbours so they know what’s at stake this election.
Meed Ward has always understood social media and used it very effectively. She did that in her 2010 campaign and again in 2014.
She will use it just as effectively this – the difference is – will she get the traction she needs to wear the Chain of Office. Her goal from her very first election has been to be the Mayor – Rick Craven beat her in that 2006 election. She moved from ward 1 to ward 2 and has a following there that cannot be beat.
The challenge is going to see just how well her support develops in the rest of the city.
Elections are usually lost by the person holding the office – are people in Burlington unhappy enough with Mayor Goldring to choose Meed Ward?

Rick Goldring at the Mike Wallace 2015 campaign HQ – little did he know then that when Wallace lost he would come after Goldring’s job.
The worst news for Rick Goldring was learning that Mike Wallace decided to run – any Wallace votes will come from the plate Golding has his lunch on.
All we have to do is get the provincial election behind us – then focus on local. And if the prediction for a Doug Ford win are true – the direction Burlington can take will be a lot different.
Pay attention – this stuff matters

like most mayors of any city no planing until it is to late than you cant change back the clock dont know why they cant see a head and plan for future
Dear George,
I have not forgotten that ALL Trustees except for Amy Collard voted to close Robert Bateman High School.
I will do everything in my power to keep that memory alive until October 22, 2018.
And yes MPP Eleanor McMahon did nothing to save 2 Burlington High Schools. In fact, she has done nothing for Burlington at all!
Dear Sharon,
Have you forgotten that HDSB Andrea Grebenc and Richelle Papin also voted to close Robert Bateman high school.
Let us hope that the rest of Burlington citizens do not forget to eliminate any votes for the two above Halton District School Board Trustees.
Plus you will want to not vote for MPP Eleanor McMahon who did little or nothing as a cabinet minister to save the two Burlington high schools. Your opportunity to not vote for MPP Eleanor McMahon comes even sooner i.e. June 7, 2018.
MMW always finds a way to use things to her advantage. Robert Bateman High School Community have not forgotten who wrote Option 23 or what MMW and Trustee Leah Reynolds did on June 2, 2017.
MMW actually did what other council members (including the mayor) failed to do; i.e., she represented the interests of her constituents.
The others, especially the councilors for the Bateman and Pearson wards should have done the same.