By Staff
September 21st, 2020
A Pre-Application Community Meeting will take place this evening between 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Millcroft Greens is hosting a virtual consultation meeting this evening to discuss a proposal to redevelop portions of the Millcroft Golf Course. The owners are proposing to develop five (5) parcels of land for residential uses. The intention is to also make design improvements to the existing course layout while retaining an 18-hole golf course.

Current golf course layout.

Proposed golf course layout.
The meeting will have an interactive format with live questions and answers.
Telephone and video-conferencing participation options will be available. Millcroft Greens is working with representatives of residents’ groups (Millcroft Against Development and We Love Millcroft), city staff, the Mayor and Council to design the format of the meeting.
This consultation meeting is the first step in a comprehensive review of the draft proposal. The purpose of the consultation meeting is for Millcroft Greens to address key questions and obtain community feedback prior to the submission of any development applications.
The City will assist with hosting the meeting in a virtual capacity and the meeting will be hosted and broadcast live from Council Chambers. Councillor Bentivegna and Mayor Meed Ward will be in attendance to listen to the discussion and hear from residents, they also welcome any resident feedback.
Participate On-Line via Zoom:
Webinar ID: 944 1949 4959 (internet connection required – Zoom User Guide available at
Participate by Telephone: 1-647-374-4685 (audio only)