By Pepper Parr
October 14th, 2021
The Molinaro Group spent years assembling the 13 properties at the Brant and Ghent intersection.
Now they are ready to develop.
They have broken the development into three sites which they refer to as Parcel 1, 2 and 3
It will be the biggest development the Molinaro’s have taken on in Burlington and will be, in their words, a Gateway to the downtown core.
The development does not fully comply with the in force Official Plan but does comply with the approved but not yet in force Official Plan.
The proposal is for a Multi-phase, mixed-use development, comprised of a 25-storey tower and a 14-storey tower 425 residential units in Parcel A;
a 25-storey tower (328 residential units) in Parcel B and an
8-storey mid-rise building with 128 residential units in Parcel C.
Ground floor commercial area is proposed for Parcel A and B. Underground parking (including bicycle parking) and limited surface parking area is proposed.
None of the traffic will exit onto Brant – the intention is to have the traffic exit and enter from Ghent.
The design is considerable different than what the public was shown during a pre-application earlier in the year.
At that time the two towers on either side of Brant were mirrors of each other. It looked good at the time but the architects took a different approach at the Statutory meeting.
One of the most interesting aspects of the development was the inclusion of a park on the east end of Parcel 2. The park was to be a Privately owned with Public Access Space, known in the planning world as a POPS.
The really interesting comment that came from Ed Fothergill, planning consultant for the Molinaro Group was that the park would be owned by the Condominium Corporation.
To imagine that a condominium corporation is going to operate and maintain space that is open to the public is a stretch.
There were a few delegations. The one delivered by Jeff Bienhaus didn’t pull any punches. Working from a document he called: Stick With the Plan Burlington, Bienhaus said the plan should be dismissed.
In a document that was included in his delegation Bienhaus wrote: “I would appreciate the support of our council to STICK TO THE PLAN of development as it was originally presented at the corners of “Brant and Ghent” with low rise development. The low rise is in keeping with our community and neighbourhoods in check with healthy growth and minimizing traffic congestion, noise and density.
I am opposed to the requested changes that are being proposed by the developer in
building 25 storey towers. This pace of building is overwhelming for this already busy
I do hope that Mayor’s Meed-Ward original platform that she ran in stopping the
density will be kept and she does stand up for us …. PLEASE STICK TO THE PLAN
Pointing to the 2018 election results Bienhaus said the people he is working with want:
A clear message on what Burlington thinks about developer lead densification
A clear message that the Official plan for densification was not in the interests of residents.
A clear message that residents not developers will say how provincial targets will be met.
He added:
This is not what existing residents signed up for
Proposed 25 story ask is not even close to the current zoning of 2.5 and 6 story zoning
Extreme heights are not justified
Developers win, residents lose, who do you represent?
And closed with:
We call for a complete and full dismissal of this ridiculous zoning proposal on these and other grounds shared by similarly concerned residents
The Mayor didn’t offer much in the way of clear statements other than pointing out that the development proposed did comply with the approved but not yet in force Official Plan.
I have only been living in Burlington for just about 5 years now. One of thecattractions to us was the small town feel. So as a new resident I took interest in the 2018 election and the now Mayor’s fight against super highrises in the downtown. In football terms we are now just into the fourth quarter, with the referee (OLT) about to make some very important calls.
To this proposal to me it seems that Beinhaus is employing the “developer’s strategy”, being to employ in one’s argument that part of an official plan (in force or approved but not yet in force) that best suits one’s purpose.
Beinhaus suggests those elected to Council in 2018 have not lived up to their collective promise to fight the over intensification of the downtown and to fight super highrises. Now there’s the thing. Did all voters have the exact same view, idea, or concept of what that meant. Unlikely. From my perspective I think of the downtown as being the area south of Caroline Street. I guess Beinhaus has a different perspective.
I wonder did Beinhaus or those he represents delegate to Council (or at any other venue opportunity that was presented) against the change in zoning for this intersection in the approved but not yet in force OP? If not it is a bit late to be starting to oppose the rezoning. Don’t you think?
Is Beinhaus in favour of super highrises around Lakeshore and Brant? Because that’s what the in force OP, which he relies upon, would seem to allow?
Love the plan love the design maybethis will bring some life to downtown. Nimbys must remember downtown is for all of Burlington not just those living downtown. We lack new land so going up is the ponly answer to the housing shortage. Oakville is starting to do the same.