More than half the trucks police stop fail to pass safety requirements - stiffer fines - those trucks endanger public safety.

News 100 redBy Staff

June 10th, 2016



On Thursday June 9th police in Milton and Halton Hills launched Project “Safety through Compliance” targeting dangerous commercial motor vehicles that operate within both towns.

HRPS crestAssisted by officers from Peel Regional Police and Guelph Police, experienced traffic officers focussed their efforts on identifying vehicles that may present a safety hazard to road users. This targeted approach typically produces a high rate of inspection failures and this was true during this project.

On Thursday June 9th officers patrolled Georgetown and the surrounding areas. The inspection results were as follows:

34 Trucks inspected, 19 were taken out of service (56%), 109 charges were laid and two sets of plates were seized.

On Friday June 10th officers patrolled Milton and the surrounding areas. The inspection results were as follows:

21 Trucks inspected, 16 were taken out of service, 81 charges were laid and 1 set of plates were seized.

Halton Police recognize that heavy vehicle traffic is a concern to residents and we will continue to work hard to ensure our roads are as safe as possible.

To report individual driver behavior, residents can complete a Road Watch complaint form.  CLICK HERE


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1 comment to More than half the trucks police stop fail to pass safety requirements – stiffer fines – those trucks endanger public safety.

  • Lonely Taxpayer

    Truckers compete for business.

    A truck owner paying maintenance to keep his/her vehicle in a safe working condition invests a lot of money.

    (Those big tires get expensive when you have 18 of them.)

    However, the trucker who doesn’t spend a dime on their rig gains a competitive advantage.

    When a contract goes out to a lowest bidder, the cost advantage goes to the unfit trucker. This is wrong.

    So please – get all these dangerous vehicles off our roads & make it fair for the honest truckers. Fines for faulty brakes should be higher than the cost of a brake repair.

    Remember – these trucks aren’t people having a leisurely drive – they are machines for work generating profits.

    PS – Flat bed tow-trucks with knife-edge rear. Those tow-trucks that tilt the bed down to drag up a disabled car for repair and raise the knife-edge back up to the height of a car driver’s head.
    Those machines of death should be modified or banned before a driver rear-ends one & the knife edge enters the windshield before the front bumper hits the rear axle of the tow-truck. A driver cannot gauge the knife-edge from behind and there is no bumper.
    A decapitation waiting to happen. (shudder…)