MP Gould encourages organizations to submit applications that will engage seniors in the community through the mentoring of others.

News 100 redBy Staff

June 20, 2016


Liberal MP Karina Gould released details today on a federal government program that will empower seniors to share their knowledge, skills and experience with others and support communities by increasing their capacity to address local issues.

Organizations are being invited to apply for funding for projects that address one or more of the program’s five objectives:

1. promoting volunteerism among seniors and other generations;
2. engaging seniors in the community through the mentoring of others;
3. expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse;
4. supporting the social participation and inclusion of seniors; and
5. providing capital assistance for new and existing community projects and/or programs for seniors.

3 things - Gould with adult

Karina Gould, Liberal MP, listening to a senior.

Eligible applicants include: not-for-profit organizations; coalitions, networks and ad hoc committees; municipal governments; research organizations and institutes; educational institutions, public health and social service institutions; aboriginal organizations; and for-profit enterprises.

Projects that received funding during the 2015-2016 proposal call year included the Burlington Baptist Church’s Circle of Friends and Community Development Halton’s Senior Connector Program.

More information on how to apply is available at or contact MP Gould’s office directly at 905-639-5757.

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