By Staff
July 23, 2015
Burlington’s MPP Eleanor McMahon is holding her first annual summer BBQ: August 16th

Burlington MPP Eleanor McMahon will hold her first BBQ in August
Is she aware as to just how high the bar is for her?
Does she realize that her Premier set a pretty stiff standard when she was in town a few years ago flipping ribs at the Rib Fest?

Premier Kathleen Wynne shows the locals how Ribs are flipped at the annual Rotary RibFest
McMahon is going to hone her skills over the BBQ in Hidden Valley – probably a good idea – and when she is at the Master flipper level she can hold the event closer to town
The invite to the event went out on the MPP’s email blast. While there was a map on how to get to the location – it wasn’t easy to find.
We’ve shown the map below.
The event takes place Sunday August 16 (rain or shine) from Noon – 3:00 pm
Location: Hidden Valley Park (Zone 6) in Aldershot